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This section of the website gives the original dohas of Shri Goswami Tulsidasji, its hindi translation by Shri Hanumanprasad Poddar and its english translation. The english translation has been made by Dhananjay Kadwane (hereinafter called 'translator'). The translator has taken all dohas from a publication of Shri Gorakhpur Press (authored by Shri Hanumanprasad Poddar). The hindi translation made by Shri Hanumanprasad Poddar in the aforesaid publication is taken as a base by the translator. Goswami Tulsidasji is the saint of the highest ranking and a very prominent devotee of Lord Rama. The translator is a very ordinary person with ordinary intellect. Therefore there may be mistakes in the translation. The translator requests everyone to point out his mistakes. The serial number is for giving reference to the original dohas. The serial number is not relevant while reading the doha. One doha does not have any relation or cross reference to another.