What more can I say? I'm an AKA! Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., is THE premiere organization founded by and for women of African descent. The sorority was organized in 1908 at Howard University in Washington, DC, by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle. For more information, visit the sorority's official website. I first became interested in AKA because of my maternal grandmother, Helen Hite, who was initiated into AKA in 1921 at Gamma Chapter, University of Illinois. She introduced the sorority to her sister, Marian (Gamma '31) and many other young women from Champaign-Urbana. Aunt Marian rose through the sorority's ranks and served the organization as National Program Chairman. She also received two of the sorority's most prestigious honors: the Founders' Graduate Service Award and the Roosevelt Medallion of Honor. I became a member of AKA at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Delta Beta Chapter, on November 15, 1975. My ship of nine was named S.S. J.A.W.S. We are:
It was, is and ALWAYS will be a SERIOUS matter! My grandmother pinned me -- which was a special and tear-jerking moment of which I, unfortunately, have no photographs. While a member of Delta Beta, I served the chapter as Tamiouchos (treasurer), Basileus (president) and Grammateus (recording secretary). I was also the chapter representative to the Black Affairs Council and the Pan-Hellenic Council. My service to the chapter and the SIU campus was recognized when I was elected to the Order of Isis honorary society for Greek women. I represented the sorority's Central Region as a member of the National Constitution & By-Laws Committee and I was appointed as a Philacter (guard) for one of Central Region's annual conferences. A little more than a year after graduating from college, I was offered a position working at the sorority's headquarters. This was, indeed, an honor! Xi Nu Omega Chapter sorors at the 2000 chapter picnic. That's me standing in the back row, far left (click on photo for a better view). In 1982, I affiliated with the newly chartered Xi Nu Omega Chapter in Chicago. In 1984, I was elected as the chapter's second Basileus. Since then, I have served the chapter in a variety of capacities as an officer, committee chairman, committee member and dedicated worker. In 2000, I received my Silver Star, commemorating 25 years of membership in AKA. In addition to having my beautiful Xi Nu Omega sorors present at the luncheon, I was blessed to have in attendance: Soror Cheryl Cole Young, Delta Beta '68, who was at my initiation, and Soror Gena S. Gunn, Delta Beta '77, my first (of four) pledge daughters. Also sharing the special occasion were Soror Deborah Underwood, Eta Alpha/Illinois State University '75, and Soror Brenda Boykins Montgomery, Gamma/U of I '75. We were all initiated within three weeks of each other during the Fall 1975 term. |