How To Make A Police
         Officer Cry         

Would you like to see him bury his face in his hands? Bawl like a baby and slam his fist into the side of his patrol car? Its easy.

Start by refusing to listen to your wife when she suggets that she drive. Dont be a wimp! Assert yourself! Say something like, aww hell! I can drive better after a couple of drinks than you can sober!

20 minutes later, stand in the street in the dark near the highway, surrounded by broken glass and spilled gasoline. In the still night, listen to the screams of your dying wife as the life flows from her body that is pinned beneath the sharp and jagged pieces of twisted metal.

Your 2 year old daughter is silent. Your 6 year old son is lying 40 feet away face down, at least the top half of him is there.

The Officer can smell the alcohol on your breath as you try to explain. He puts his hand on the top of your head so you dont bump your head on the car door frame and hurt yourself as he not so gently pushes you into the patrol cars back seat and tells you to "shut up!". The Officer then walks back to the heap of smoking, crumpled metal that once was your car. He thinks about his own wife and children  and then  he turns his attention back to what remains of your family.


You Just Made A Cop Cry.

Don't Drink and Drive!

and NEVER ride with someone who's been drinking!!

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