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Well, I finally got a look at the 30 second promo that everyone's been talking about. You can download it HERE. There is also a nasty rumour circulating that the song we here in the background is the theme song. Now, don't get me wrong - I like the song, but it's a love song! Gene Roddenbarry probably rolls in his grave every time he hears it. The song is called Wherever You Will Go, by The Calling. You can download it from their site, thecallingband.com.

In other news, I just finished reading some stuff about the next movie, Star Trek X: Nemesis. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! All I will say is... I doubt there will be too many more movies with the Next Generation crew. They'll make cameos, I'm almost positive, but I think they're finally passing the baton to, well, I'm not sure. Maybe DS9, or maybe Voyager. I was going to dedicate this site soley to Enterprise, but after reading this article, I decided to add a little tiny bit about Trek X. You, too, can read it HERE.

So, I finally got a picture of the pictorally elusive Dr. Phlox, which you can see on the Cast and Crew page. There are also a number of various previews floating around. I wasn't on the Internet for one week and I missed three or four. I don't have time (aka I'm too lazy) to add links to all of them, but if you follow the links on my Links page, they won't be too hard to find. Most of them (or all of them) require RealPlayer, so if you don't have it, get it. Also, if anyone is interested, I've heard that there are going to be a number of different Star Trek actors directing episodes of Enterprise. Roxann Dawson (B'Elanna Torres), for sure, and perhaps Garret Wang (Harry Kim, and it's pronounced "Wong") might (I heard he wanted to direct a Voyager but got rejected.) and perhaps Levar Burton (Geordi Laforge) and Robert Duncan MacNeill (Tom Paris).

At last I got a picture of the pictorally elusive Dr. Phlox, which can be foound on the Cast and Crew page. As well, I got some info for episode 2 from SyFyPortal. It is not official yet, of course, but I still thought it was interesting. I'd also better add that the Episodes page contains (will contain) spoilers. I also am going to add something that I just noticed, and find interesting. As you should know by now, their uniforms are blue with colored stripes around the shoulders. Like Kirk, Archer's stripe is yellow.

TV Guide has a new cover out with all of the Enterprise crew-members featured. You can see the covers HERE. On the covers are Johnathan Archer (Scott Bakula), T'Pol (Jolene Blalock), Malcolm Reed (Dominic Keating), Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer), Hoshi Sato (Linda Park), Dr. Phlox (John Billingsley) and Travis Mayweather (A.T. Montgomery). These covers are not available on newsstands but can be purchased through skymall.com. You can, however, purchase on newsstands across America, this week's issue with the feature story about Enterprise. If you aren't going to buy it, you can also read the story HERE. I've redone the Cast and Crew page so that everyone gets a picture, and I've added a page, as well, called Pictures. As the name may indicate, it has various miscellaneous Enterprise pictures. While I've been surfing the Web, I came across some fasinating info. In an upcoming episode, Tucker will become the first pregnant man. (I'm not kidding about this.) I don't know how this comes about, and I'm not sure if I want to know.

08.30.01: I've got another huge article about Trek X. It's full of spoilers, so be warned. I've got some new pictures, but still no thumbnails. Sorry, I'm still working on them. There's not a whole lot going on in the Enterprise world right now. 26 days!

08.31.01: This won't be long, but I added a bunch of new pictures and I made them all into thumbnails! I also read an article about the opening theme song for Enterprise. You can read the article HERE or you can read on and I will sum it up. Bascially, it says that the song won't be 'Wherever You Will Go', as previously rumoured, but a version of Rod Steward's 'Faith of the Heart', sung by British opera sensation Russell Watson. A thiry-second clip of Rod Steward singing the song from the 'Patch Adams' soundtrack can be downloaded HERE, from amazon.com

09.17.01: As the premiere date draws near, there is less and less news to post. It's not that I've grown lazy, but there's just not much to say. I found out that up here in Canada, Enterprise premiers one day before it does down there in the States. So, although it premiers down there on Sept. 26, up here it's Sept. 25. StarTrek.com has launched a new Enterprise section. It's got all sorts of cool stuff, including a timeline that traces events leading to the lauch of the Enterprise.

09.25.01: Today!! It's today!! I will be adding Reviews soon. You can also see my reviews at www.stenterprise.cc.

07.01.02: OK, I feel really guilty now, seeing that I haven't written anything new since September. Unfortunately, I have been forced to stop writing reveiws, so there are no longer any links to my former Reviews Page. (I hope I deleted them all.) There really hasn't been anything new since the show started. I will let y'all know if anything big comes up.

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