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Cease Fire
Vanishing Point
The Breach

Cease Fire (air date: Feb. 11/12)
This episode was okay, if you're into more political intrigue and less into good, solid Star Trek action. It relates back to the episodes "The Andorian Incident" and "Shadows of P'Jem". It did, however, have a nice, though brief, fight scene between Archer and an Andorian woman. I suspect that there will be episodes featuring the Andorians in the future.

Vanishing Point
(Please note that at the time of writing this, I have only seen the first 45 minutes of the episode.) I really didn't enjoy this episode. For starters, the premise is based on a physically impossible situation. People who were visible don't become invisible from having their molecules rearranged. Period. End of story. It does not happen. A molecule is a molecule is a molecule, and the fundamental property of refracting llight does not become reversed simply by rearranging them. Add to it that I really don't like Hoshi, and you have the formula for a lousy episode. Hoshi is an annoying, whiny baby, and if she had persisted with her horrible habit of squealing that she did in the first couple of eps., I would have gone to Paramount and written her out of the show myself. Maybe people were ignoring her because they can't stand her?! I surely would.

The Breach(air date: Apr. 22/03)
It's a shame that Star Trek has opted to avoid the traditional television items such as plot, suspense, character interactions or development. Instead they provide such putrid episodes of pathetic blather and monotonous drivel that I am sometimes ashamed to admit that I have watched them. This episode was one of these. The basic plots are this: Plot A) Travis, Trip and Malcolm have to go rock-climbing into a cave to get some Denobulan scientists out. Will they make it in time? This did provide a nice opportunity to show off Travis' nice biceps. Plot B) Phlox must treat a patient of a species that Denobulans hate. Will he do it or will the man die? I don't want to ruin the episode, so I won't tell you if Reed, Malcolm and Travis make it out of the cave or if Phlox treats the patient. (Though, if you're like me, you really won't care.)

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