Enterprise NX-01

The SS Enterprise NX-01 is a protoype resembling the later Akira-class ship, with a crew compliment of 87. It is over 200 meters long and is capable of up to Warp 4.5, making the fastest ship in Starfleet. Long range communication is only possible at warp, replicators, or "protein resequencers" can replicate only simple foods, and although the ship is equipped with transporters, people do not trust them yet, so they are mainly used to transport cargo. The Enterprise's main defence is retractable polarized hull plating, and its armaments include laser cannons, hull-retracting plasma-charged artillery turrets, and spatial torpedoes. Shuttles can hold up to 7 people and can not travel at warp.

Sorry about the wierdness of this map. Adobe Photoshop is not very cooperative for mapmaking.
More great info about Enterprise NX-01 is at (you guessed it) www.startrek.com.

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