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Astrological Charts | |||||||||||||
Meditation | |||||||||||||
Chakras | |||||||||||||
Colours | |||||||||||||
An astrological chart shows the exact position of the planets at any given moment. Traditionally a chart was created using laborious mathematical formulae, which were used to determine the placement of the planets, and the aspects between them. This information is now often printed in booklets, in the back of astrology books or found online.
The divisions in the chart are known as the 12 houses which are determined by the position of the ascendant. The ascendant is the sign which was on the horizon at the time of birth. When reading a chart the planets are the primary concern. The sign they are placed in affects the expression of their qualities with the house they are placed in telling what part of life their influence will be strongest in and the aspects formed between the planets show how their dynamic forces interact. The most common use of an astrological chart is the natal chart, which shows the position of the planets at the moment of a persons birth. First House (Ascendant) Personality, appearance, and outlook. How one views the world. Second House Inner goals and values. Wealth and Money. Third House Friends and communication. Memory and cognitive ability Fourth House Home and inner self. Property. Fifth House Self expression and creativity Sixth House Professional side and work Seventh House (Descendant) Relationships and partnerships Eighth House Magic, psychism, sexuality and addictions Ninth House Higher education, spirituality and travel Tenth House (Midheaven) Reputation and fame Eleventh House Wishes, goals, and ambitions. Friends and social contacts. Twelfth House Subconscious issues. Inner transformation and what holds one back. Principle life lessons. |
Energy | |||||||||||||
Energy Balls | |||||||||||||
Auras | |||||||||||||
Artificial Vortexes | |||||||||||||
Healing | |||||||||||||
Healing Meditation | |||||||||||||
Flowers | |||||||||||||
Shielding | |||||||||||||
Protection Spell | |||||||||||||
Spirit Animals | |||||||||||||
Using Pendulums | |||||||||||||
Scrying | |||||||||||||
Numerology | |||||||||||||
Astrology | |||||||||||||
Outer Planets | |||||||||||||
Inner Planets | |||||||||||||
The Zodiac | |||||||||||||
Astrological Signs | |||||||||||||
Astrological Charts | |||||||||||||
Physiognomy | |||||||||||||
Palmistry | |||||||||||||