StaffsSpirit | |||||||||||
Bringing a Spirit to Staffs | |||||||||||
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Colours | |||||||||||
Meditation | |||||||||||
Chakras | |||||||||||
Colours | |||||||||||
Colour is energy and has a physical effect on us. The effect of colours on us is caused by their energy entering our bodies. Each colour has a different energy vibration; this makes it possible for people who are blind to be able to tell the difference between colours.
This list is just a guide and it is not exclusive, go with your own instincts and what you believe. There is no right or wrong. Many of the colours listed have conflicting and contrasted meanings this is because different people in the group gave a different meaning to the same colour but all are valid. Red - Fire, Passionate, Moving on, All ways involved, Anger, Seduction, Solitary, Power, Strength, Assertiveness, Aggressiveness, Courage, Love, Lust, Enthusiasm, Energy, Vitality, Magnetism, Willpower, Physical, warmth, Basic survival, 'Fight or flight', Stimulation, Masculinity, Excitement, Defiance, Visual impact, Strain Yellow - Sunny, Happy, Upbeat, Bright, Natural, Busy, Warmth, Calm, Aggravated, Clairvoyance, Learning, Communication, Mental Powers, Wisdom, Charm, Confidence, Attraction, Visions, Emotional, Optimism, Self-esteem, Extraversion, Friendliness, Irrationality, Fear, Depression, Anxiety, Intellect, Travel Orange - Warm, Safe heat, Welcoming, Restless, Cleansing, Calming, Strength, Authority, Attraction, Joy, Legal Matters, Success, Creativity, New Home Blue - Comfortable, Home, Peace, Tranquil, Cold, Sad, Sea, Water, Melanconic, Electric, Healing, Meditation, Forgiveness, Sleep, Deep Wisdom, Psychic Awareness, Truth, Dreams, Friendship, Protection, Patience, Intellectual, Communication, Trust, Efficiency, Serenity, Duty, Reflection, Aloofness, Lack of emotion, Unfriendliness Green - Calmness, Peace, Harmony, Naturality, Radiance, Love, Earth, Nature, Strength, Loving, Power, Serene, Festive, Growth, Healing, Money, Prosperity, Luck, Fertility, Beauty, Employment, Youth, Emotional Healing, Employment, Healing, Rejuvenation, Masculine Divine, Balance, Universal love, Reassurance, Equilibrium, Boredom, Stagnation Purple - Childhood, Happiness, Calming, Comforted, Warmth, Solace, Supernatural, Psychic awareness, Royal, Emotional, Not of this world, Happy, Nice, Spiritual, Wisdom, Healing, Intuition, Dignity, Independence, Feminine Divine, Containment, Luxury, Authenticity, Truth, Quality, Introversion, Decadence, Suppression, Inferiority Black - Darkness, Despair, Loneliness, Sadness, Safe, Mourning, Isolation, Negative, Comforting, Destruction, Peace, Withdrawal, In need of help, Grounding, Absorption, Banishing, Crone Magick, Abstinence White - Loneliness, Mourning, Negative, Purity, Nothingness, Empty, Blank, Unsure, Lonely, Peace, Sincerity, Protection, Spirituality, Healing, Truth, Lunar Magick, Purity, Happiness, Protection Silver - Shiny, Cold, Sterile, Pristine, Loving, Rich, Metallic, Moon, Female Energy, Yin, Remove Negativity, Stability, Psychic Protection, Goddess (Feminine Divine) Gold - Money, Prosperity, Brilliance, Gold star, Content, Unhappy, Envy, Confused, Bored, Spiritual, Sun, Financial Matters, Yang, God (Masculine Divine) Grey - Dull, Neutral, Murky, Confusion, Safe, Unnoticeable, Peace Brown - Earthy, Muddy, Dirty, Natural, Comforted, Safe, Grounding, Healing Animals, Home, Animal Magick, Locate Lost Objects, Health, Stability Vibrant Pink - Hyper, Over the top, Passion, Girly, Young, Typical, Innocence Pale pink - Calming, Love, Serene, Youthful, Self love, Emotional Love, Friendship, Affection, Harmony, Friendship, Enhancing Relationships, Fidelity Turquoise - Safe, Neutral, Water, Calming, Relaxing, Harmony, Serene, Beauty, Awareness, Meditation, Creativity |
Energy | |||||||||||
Energy Balls | |||||||||||
Auras | |||||||||||
Artificial Vortexes | |||||||||||
Healing | |||||||||||
Healing Meditation | |||||||||||
Flowers | |||||||||||
Shielding | |||||||||||
Protection Spell | |||||||||||
Spirit Animals | |||||||||||
Using Pendulums | |||||||||||
Scrying | |||||||||||
Numerology | |||||||||||
Astrology | |||||||||||
Outer Planets | |||||||||||
Inner Planets | |||||||||||
The Zodiac | |||||||||||
Astrological Signs | |||||||||||
Astrological Charts | |||||||||||
Physiognomy | |||||||||||
Palmistry | |||||||||||