Quartz "clear"

All quartz crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, druses, and prismatic hexagonal crystals. It is also known as rock crystal.

The polarity of the quartz crystal will change when it is either subjected to pressure or heat, as well as when it is held in the hand ~ the tip, normally positive and receiving energy, will then change and become negative, thus, emitting energy which will radiate from the tip or from an edge. Thee properties support the amplification, focusing, storage, transfer, and transformation of energy. (piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties)

Quartz crystals can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts. They can assist in the creation of power and can provide for clarity in thinking, and to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter and your surroundings.

Quartz is said to bring the energy of the "STARS" into the soul

Can be used to comunicate, and form a connection between the physical dimension and the dimensions of the mind. (eg; minerals, plants, animals, and intelligent forces outside of the physical dimension). Used entensively in meditation, sprirtual development, and healing. And also has been used by the Ancients to dissolve enchantments and spells, and to destroy all Black Magic.

The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony, and it is recognized as a "stone of power"

The quartz crystal provides for purification of the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. It is also a healer of negativity associated with ones perspectives and judgments; it can be used to focus upon the inner negativity and to stimulate positive thoughts and feelings. It can also direct ones materialistic energies toward the spiritual realm. It can further enhance the flow of, and can direct, ones positive thoughts and feelings toward the "light, love, and harmony of the planet", teaching one to live, laugh, and love with all brothers and sisters. Whether the quartz is worn, carried, or place in ones environment, the force, the warmth, and the brilliance remain attuned to the energy of the one to whom it is connected.

(fyi; If one uses the energy of the quartz crystal, or any other mineral, for purposes other than "For the good of all", the experience of destructive forces within ones life will be invited.

Hence, that is why a cluster of quartz is such a wonderful tool, it surrounds you and your circle of loved ones, making the radius of THE CIRCLE complete.

Questions? or Place an Order? eMail StainedWitch@aol.com

All information obtained from the book, Love is in the Earth by "Melody" and my own experience, and chooseing a cluster? choose one that feels right and good to you, usually the one that catch's your eye first is the right one, bb Vicki

I not only sell crystals and gemstones, I collect them also. Every crystal or gemstone that I have is hand picked for its feel and or its beauty, and I think the most important part of any gem stone, its metaphysical properties. This is were the eye is attracted, maybe its size or shape? And you can actually feel, hear and see it, if you are intune to it and look closely. Let your mind roam with imagination. Always remembering the eons of time it takes to become what it is, and the gifts we receive from Mother Nature.

All of the crystals and gemstones are direct from the mountain in which they have grown for millions of years. Each are packed very carefully and shipped to my supplier where they are graded by weight, clarity, and size. The price of each will not always reflect the value of each crystal to you and me. Only their estimate for priceing and re-sale value.

Click here to visit my web page

Example of American~ Indian ~Method of Healing with Crystal (You as Healer) click here


click anyone of these to see them

2 pounds of Rose Quartz Quartz Clusters all same price    
