Character Name: Eve Sterling
Nick Name: Evie
Rank: Lt Commander
Species: Human
Age: 33
Height: 5ft
Weight: 110
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Birthplace: San Francisco Medical Facility
Date Of Birth: 25 Oct 2350
Academy Graduating Class: 2370

Specialties: Terra forming, chemistry, Biology, new plant classifications, hydroponics , botanist

Hobbies: Singing, Baseball, Cooking, Art, Canoeing, Dancing, Rock Climbing, Tennis

  Natural Mother: Captain Carol McGregor, Deceased
  Natural Aunt: Elisabeth Carlington, Deceased
  Adoptive Father: Isaac Sterling, 75 civilian Terra Foremost Scientist
  Adoptive Mother: Tamara Jacobs-Sterling 73 Civilian Scientist
  Adoptive Brother: Erich Sterling, Civilian Journalist, 50
  Sister In Law: Megan Avery-Sterling 48 Civilian Herbologist
  Nephew: Jacob Sterling, 23, Ensign Star base 45
  Andrew Sterling, 21, Student Civilian College
  Mathew Sterling, 17, Cadet Starfleet Academy
  Adopted Brother: Logan Sterling, 48, Captain USS Benjamin
  Sister In Law: Adelaide Zunino Sterling, 46, Civilian Teacher
  Niece: Krista Sterling, 21, Civilian Engineer
  Margaret Sterling, 19, Student University Of Mars
  Nephew: Alexander Sterling 16, Student, Senior USS Benjamin
  Taylor Sterling, 14, Student USS Benjamin
  Adopted Brother: Walter Sterling, 45, Teraformist
  Sister In Law: Alexia Jimenez Sterling, Civilian artist
  Nephew: Jose Sterling, 15, Student
  Niece: Isabella Sterling 13, Student
  Adopted Brother: Zachary Sterling 43, Commander USS Georgetown
  Sister In Law: Tabitha Lamas Sterling, 37 Lt. Commander USS Georgetown
  Niece: Miranda Sterling, 10, Student USS Georgetown
  Kaylee Sterling, 4 Student USS Georgetown
  Nephew: Brandon Sterling, 8 Student USS Georgetown
  Drake Sterling, 6, Student USS Georgetwon
  Adopted Daughter: Elisabeth Sterling, 11 months old

Decorations: Top of graduating class, Ten year Service Medal, Vulcan Science Academy Legion Of Honor, Daystrom Institute Science Award, Scientific Achievement Award, Hazard Team Training, Teraformist Scientific Award, New Plant Classification Award, First Contact Award,


Languages: Federation Standard, Klingon, Ferengi

Service Record: (Example)

* 2366-2370 Starfleet Academy, Cadet
*2370-2371 Vulcan Institute for Science, Ensign
*2371-2373 USS Naucisis, Ensign
*2373-2378 Vadiaria 3, Lt (JG)
*2378-2382 USS Barington/New Horizon 3 Lt
*2382-2383 LOA
*2383-Chief Of Science USS Victory, Lt Com

Personal Details:

Eve was born Baby Jane Doe at San Francisco Medical Facility on the 23rd of October 2350. Her mother had signed adoption papers before the baby was born and she would leave the hospital a few hours after the birth. Baby Jane was cared for by the nurses and adopted services was called. Two days later, Isaac and Tamara Sterling came to see the baby. The couple had been married for 18 years, and had four sons aged between 17 and 10. The two had always wanted a daughter and had been on a waiting list for adoption for two years. The couple instantly fell in love with the newborn and they would take her home a day later. The birth certificate would list the date of birth 25 Oct 2350 for when she came into there lives. Isaac, Tamara and her older brothers would talk about a name for the newborn for a week before she was christened Eve Laurel Sterling. It would not be long till she was being called Evie by her brothers.

Eve's parents both were civilian teraformists, and traveled to various planets. A lot of the places where they traveled to, was isolated and Eve, as her brothers before her, spent a lot of time working with her parents. A lot of the people the Sterling's were with, were Starfleet personnel and Eve grew up, mostly, going to school with other children on the planets. Eve would be very tomboyish, tagging along with Zachary and Walter when she got older. She would learn to play the old game baseball in the holodeck, and something she enjoys to this day.

When Evie was 16, she would visit her brother Logan and take the Starfleet Entrance Exam. She would not pass it the first time, but the following year, she would and be accepted into the Academy. Evie would enter the Academy 3 months later. She would excel in her classes and apply to the Vulcan Science Institute in her senior year at the Academy and be accepted. After graduating top of her class at the Academy, she would spend the next year on Vulcan attending classes, where she would excel also. She had started learning Vulcan in the Academy and would continue with a tutor while on Vulcan.
Evie would leave the Vulcan Academy and be stationed on the USS Naucicis. While on board the Naucicis, she would be stationed with her brother Logan and his family. During this time, with Logan's encouragement and her parent's blessings, she would start looking for her natural parents. The search would be difficult, since there was no information about her natural parents. Her DNA would be matched with a Captain Carol McGregor, who had died during WOLF 359. Evie, who would never find any information on her father, would visit her natural mother's grave marker to pay respects. She put white orchids on her grave, and makes sure that every year on the anniversary of the battle, white orchids are delivered. Evie would meet Carol's sister, Elisabeth. Through her, she discovered her mother was in an abusive relationship and was not ready for a child. She hoped to give her daughter a better life by putting her up for adoption. Carol never had any other children.

Evie would be assigned to the Vadiaria and promoted to a LT (JG). The Vadiaria was a long term assignment, and Evie was one of 15 scientists assigned to bring life to the planet. Evie would love being on this assignment and use what she had learned as a child growing up with her parents to help her achieve. During this 5 year assignment, Evie would get involved with a Lt Commander named Chaz Temple. Evie would get pregnant, but lose the baby. Chaz and Evie would decide that they would remain friends but neither of them wanted to pursue the relationship. It was also during this time, that Evie would receive word that her Aunt Elisabeth had died. She would take time off and attend her funeral.

Evie would ask for a transfer, and it would be approved. She would be promoted to a full Lt and assigned to the USS Barington. The Barington was another long term assignment, and would make first contact with civilians on the planet dubbed New Horizon 3. Evie would infiltrate and live among the population for a year along with Lt. Jacob Corbin. The two were posing as a married couple, and during the year, would fall in love. Evie would once again become pregnant, and would once again lose the child. When the two returned to the Barington, they would become engage and put there names on a waiting list for adoption. They were both committed to each other, and wanted to give love to a child, as Evie's parents did for her. But, the two would never have a chance to marry. Jacob would die in a shuttle craft accident three months before the Barington was to return to Federation Space.

When the Barington returned, Evie would take a LOA and go to Mars where her parents had settled. She would visit each of her brothers and there families and reacquaint herself with them. Evie would be caught by surprise when she was contacted and told there was an infant for adoption. She wasn't sure she wanted to do it alone, and would return to Mars to talk to her mother. With her mother by her side, Evie would go to San Francisco Adoption House 2 and be introduced to a two week old little girl. Evie would be in love, and would adopt the little girl. She named the infant Elisabeth Tamara Sterling. Evie's mother and her brothers and there families would all come to Mars and throw an 'adoption party' (a baby shower) and welcome the little girl into there lives. Evie would spend the next few months learning to be a mommy. Evie was recently given orders to the USS Victory for another long term assignment, this time with a 11 month old in toe.

Personality Profile:
Evie loves to be around people who can make her laugh, and has a mischievous side. She is a dedicated officer as well as a wonderful friend. Evie hates to be lied to, and it takes a lot to tick her off, but lying is one of them. Once Evie is lied to, she won't ever trust you again. Evie is not a 'girlie girl' and would rather be doing something physical then something considered girlish. Evie's one exception is cooking. Evie loves being a mother and doting on her daughter. She knows that there's a special bond between them because of the fact both are adopted. Evie spends one hour a day in the holodeck or gym alone, the rest of the time is on duty or with Elisabeth.