Valentine Memories


Shirley Sallay



Grandma’s book of valentines

Rekindles memory’s flame,

Of days when she was just a girl

And life a happy game.


Each lace-edged card a getting bears

From friends of long ago,

Girls in gingham dresses

And that “special” Sunday beau.


It brings a twinkle to her eye,

Dissolving lines of age,

As we sit in the lamplight

And turn each well worn page.



It makes me kind of wonder

f perhaps some distant day,

A grandchild shall sit at my side

And leaf each page this way.


‘Cause I could sit for hours,

There at my grandma’s knee,

And listen to the stories

That the valentines set free.


A book of antique valentines

That reaches black in time

To tell the tales of yesteryear

In illustrated rhyme.

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Backgrounds by Marie
