The New International Intelligence Regime
-Information Awareness Office
-Information Exploitation Office
-National Security Agency (NSA)
-Human Identification at a Distance/ Human ID
-Total Information Awareness
-Psychic Spying
-Projects Stargate, Scangate, Sunstreak
-Office of Homeland Security
-TIPS (Terrorism Information and Awareness System)
-National Computer Security Center
-US Army Intellegence Center
-Office of Naval Intellegence
-Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms(BATF)
-Financial Crimes Enforcement Network(FINCEN)
-US Space Command
-US Domestic Intellegence
-Global Cellular Satellite Network
-Non-Lethal Weaponry
-Psychological Profiling
-National Drug Intellegence Center(NDIC)
-Mind Control
-The Pentagon
-US Department of Defense(DOD)
-National Security Council(NSC)
-National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)
-Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM)
-Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing
-Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)
-Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
-Central Intellegence Agency (CIA)
-Defense Intellegence Agency (DIA)
-National Reconnaissance Office(NRO)
-National Infrastructure Protection Center(NIPC)
-Defense Information Systems Agency
-Foreign Intellegence Surveillance Court(FISA)
-World Intellegence and Security Agencies
-NCIC (National Crime Information Center)
-Postal and E-Mail Interception
-National Intellegence Council(NIC)
-National ID Card
-666- Mark of the Beast
A New International Intellegence Regime is in the making.
Funded by billions of US taxpayer dollars, the American domestic information and military intellegence establishment is going global.
The new office/department of Homeland Security in the USA, a proposed clearinghouse for all domestic and international intellegence, is becoming the new centerpiece of the global elites' insidious plans to pre-emptively combat and "take-out" any and all threats to their temporal power, authority and continuity in this world.
The Office of Homeland Security (OHS) will consolidate duties now spread across dozens of US federal departments and agencies for the sole purpose of becoming a central hub for collecting and analyzing domestic and international intellegence. It will have an estimated 170,000 employees, an initial $US 37 billion dollar budget and will be second only to the US Dept of Defense (DOD) in size.
It is the largest reorganization of the US federal government since the 1947 National Security Act which created the DOD, the National Security Council, the CIA etc...
Un-elected US President Bush plans to have the department up and fully operational by January 1, 2003. Plans are also underway to appoint a "director of national intellegence" which will most likely be placed within the OHS.
This new agency is a quantum leap forward towards erecting a New World Order Police State- a New Global 4th Reich- within the borders of the continental United States. It will, in reality, become a new international military Gestapo SS Headquarters with unlimited powers to gather domestic and international intellegence, conduct unprecedented levels of human and technological intrusion and surveillance, and develop highly sosphisticated 'high tech' transactional eavesdropping policies and activities against a targeted number of people throughout the world- (i.e. so-called "enemies of the state").
This new planetary surveillance behemoth will center on internal and international repression and the build-up of police-state and military infrastructure and coordination throughout the nations of the world, as is already in progess.
Black/Watch Subversive lists are already in the making for anyone who resists or opposes this rapidly emerging fascist World Order of centralized authority and control.
Future plans are to enact a global tracking, surveillance and identification system throughout the world with the use of high speed digital satellite and computer networks.
TOTAL State Control in the form of National ID Cards followed by invisible laser tatooed barcodes (Social Security Numbers in the USA) on the right hand or forehead- otherwise known as the 'Mark of the Beast'- is the inevitable outcome of traversing down this dead end path.
HELL awaits all those who take 'the Mark'- as per Revelations 13.
Jonas the Prophet
P.O. Box 1193
Nederland, Colorado
Jonas the Prophet:
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