Padme Amidala's Picnic Gown
This is usually made from a Hasbro Hidden Majesty or Royal Elegance Amidala doll repainted to look like Padme.
The gown is made from hand-tinted organza and satin. The entire dress is embroidered with vines and studded with tiny, hand-trimmed sequins. The cape and corset are embellished with embroidered flowers, vines and "flames". Sleeves and hair are tied with 4 colors of fine silk ribbon. Her forehead is graced by an embroidered silk ribbon and her hair is done up in crocheted gold snoods. This is an elegant representation of Padme's meadow picnic gown - "a gown you can fall in love in."
Orders are accepted for this doll.
New pictures :
Victory Gown
Padme Amidala
Cut Senate Gown - No examples at this time
Refugee Gown - No examples at this time
Aqua Tatooine Gown - No examples at this time
Padme Amidala Skywalker
Farscape - No examples at this time
Star Trek - No examples at this time