Red Diamond Syndrome is a mental illness that develops into a physical illness and finally death. There are many who have been very unhappy, perhaps from lack of sleep, anger over a loved ones attention to others, or even if one skipped a meal. This is normal unhappiness and is natural for all sims, even children, to go through this. The extreme of this unhappiness is the Red Diamond Syndrome, the term diamond is a medical and physicological term in reference to your aura. A red aura or diamond means that you're very unhappy and green aura or diamond means you're elated, this 'diamond' can also be neutral color of white, meaning neither happy nor unhappy.
Red Diamond Syndrome can render a sim useless, causes wetting of the pants, a foul odor to come from the sim's body, bad moods and tempermants towards others, collapses from exhaustion and can even lead to death since the sim is too unhappy or confused to eat. Most cases of Red Diamond Syndrome are treated with a little rest and relaxation, making sure the patient eats plenty of meals, gets adequate rest, relaxes in the bathtub and recieves plenty of social attention. At times, the patient simply loses hope and either complains bitterly or dies from not eating.
To prevent Red Diamond Syndrome it is important to take good care of yourself. Eat healthy meals and get plenty of rest on a comfortable bed. When you feel unhappy make an effort to talk with loved ones and friends, don't retreat to your room and sulk, for this only makes Red Diamond Syndrome stronger. Also, try taking a hot shower, watching some TV or even playing with a pet. Just remember that you're not alone and that you can beat the illness. |