Christmas 1999

This was a truly wonderful Christmas and we were blessed to be able to spend it with the one's we love and now with you!

Here is my Uncle Mike and my cousin Beth showing off the ring that she recieved from her boyfriend and the other is me and Mommy. Hope I didn't get to many crumbs on Grandma's floor!

Here is my Grandma taking a break from chasing me down and Beth showing off that ring again! You don't think she liked it much, do you!?!

This is almost the entire family and my Grandma Robinson

OH BOY!!! Thank you Grandma R. I love music and it's about time you sat down Aunt Nancy! Are you tired from playing Santa all day?

Peek a boo Grandpa. Look mom, now I can take baby for a ride!

Wow Mom, it's been a BUSY day. Is it time for night-night yet?

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