Q: Mister, just who in the damned hell are you anyway?
A: I’m a guy who enjoys building models and meeting others in the hobby. I’ve won a number of awards and recognitions. See my resume for more details

Q: What kind of name is Start Over/W.A.D. Productions
A: Start Over/W.A.D comes from the first conversation that took place between myself and Eric Johnson who introduced me to the hobby. I showed him a model I had done and asked him what he thought of my work. He took a look at it & said “I think you should Start Over.” I thought “What A Dick!!” Hence, Start Over/W.A.D.

Q: So why should I get you to build a figure for me when there’s lots of other guys to choose from?
A: My prices are usually a lot lower than most other websites offer. An average 1/6 or 1/8 scale kit will take me usually about two weeks from start to finish. My turnaround can vary depending on how many projects I have going at one time and what the subject might be. In the case that I'm painting a kit for a customer that I would also like to own, I'll ask for a duplicate kit to keep as my fee rather than money. Please keep in mind that I have a full time job and I paint/sculpt on my days off and after work. I know I'm not going to get rich doing this, so I don't try. I'm looking to get my foot in the door with as many companies as I can.

Q: What's your policy on building & painting?
A: My policy is the following: Once you contact me with all the info on what you want done (description, pictures, etc) I make you a price quote. (This price will not change regardless of the work involved. Once I get a full description of what I'm getting into and I decide on a payment, I don't jack up the price even if the kit requires MAJOR reconstruction, resculpting, stripping, whatever) The customer sends me the kit and half of the quoted price. Once the piece is completed, the customer pays the second half of the balance & the piece is mailed either USPS Priority mail with signature confirmation & insurance or UPS, your choice. Whenever I do a piece for a customer, I send pics of the project at least two or three times a week to show the customer how it is coming along and so the customer can provide feedback for changes that they would like.

Q: What if I change my mind after I commission you to a piece?
A: If you don't want me to finished a piece after you've mailed it to me and paid the first half of the quoted price, I will return your kit to you. however the payment I have already recieved is non refundable. I can't start on a project and not earn something out of it. In the event that the payment is a kit that I wanted, I will pay you half of the kit price.

Q: What if I pay you a bunch of money and you total screw the kit up?
A: I didn't get a wall full of awards by screwing kits up.

Q: I am the owner of a garage kit company. Can I send you a kit to review?
A: You bet you can! If you would like the kit done for box art we can do it one of two ways.
1. You send me a kit, I paint it and take pictures of the completed piece. You get the pictures, I keep the piece as my fee.
2. You send me two of the kit, I paint one and return it to you. I keep the other as my fee. Please note that in the rare case that you send me a kit to paint that I'm not crazy about, you can also offer me a kit I would like of equal or lesser value. Please let me know what you want done first though, K?

Q: I'm the editor/owner of (insert name of hobby website/magazine here). Would you like to be a writer on my staff?
A: You bet!! Email me with the details.

Q: What's with this "Gluteous & Maximus" stuff? Do you have a split personality or something?
A: That depends on who you ask. Seriously, Eric (Maximus) and I came up with the concept & the characters, and yes, they're supposed to be gremlin versions of us. MegaDeth has Vic Rattlehead, Motley Crue has Allister Fiend, Mad Magazine has Alfred E. Newman, Start Over/W.A.D. has Gluteous & Maximus.

Q: But do you actually look like Gluteous & Maximus?
A: No comment!

Q: Don’t you have a life besides this?
A: I’m a Communications Computer System Operator in the Air Force, so believe me, I have a life besides models. Building models is what I do to keep from losing my mind after a hard day at work.

Q: Are you some kind of trekkie or something?
A: I enjoy the original series and the Next Generation. The new series blows dogs for quarters. I understand the difference between reality and a TV show. This makes me a “Trekker”, not a “Trekkie”. A “Trekkie” is somebody like that lady who wore a costume to jury duty. (yes, it’s a costume, NOT A UNIFORM!!!)

If you should have a question you'd like answered, please email me and I'll post it here!

E-mail me!
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