1/19/09 - Hiyas folks! ^___^ I know, it's been a while, but since people are not exactly rushing to do Dark Fires fanart for me...well, I have to take what I guess and update only when I have new stuff. ^^ But luckily, I DO have a something new. There's a new pic up on the gallery page! Please check it out when you have the chance, okay? I'm sure you'll be impressed. That's about all with me now. Sorry for the lack of updates, but hopefully they'll be more soon. Anyway, thanks again for dropping by, and take care! ^_~v
9/8/08 - Damn, and you were just HOPING this site was forgotten, huh? ^^ Not much of an update, since the story is done, but there's a few new fanart. Please drop by and check them out. Thank you, and if anyone would like to contribute more fanart, you are more than welcome. Hell, who am I kidding? Please...send more fanart! *falls on knees* ^^ But seriously, thanks again for dropping by...those of you who did, and don't worry, you WILL see Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus published one day! ^_~v
2/19/07 - Bet you all thought I forgot about this site, huh? ^^ Nope, I haven't, and for those of you who thought I did.....HA HAAA! *laughs* Anyway, as I've explained on the Osiris Rising site, I've been away in Canada, and now I'm back in the good ol' USA. It was hard, but I made it through, and I certainly hope to keep up my writing. I'm also still looking for any literary agents and publishers who might be interested in publishing The Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus. If any of you have any ideas, I'd be more than willing to listen. My biggest dream is to get this story published, because I know it's good, I know it's full of action, adventure, and romance. So please all, give this story a chance before passing it over, okay? ^_^ Alright, for the update, there's a new pic of the girls on the Gallery Page. Please stop by and take a look. I enjoyed it, and I'm sure you all will too. *nods* That's all for now. If you'd like to contribute any fanart, please e-mail me and I'll give you the details. Seriously, Dark Fires needs MORE fanart. -_-; Well, that's all for now. Take care and please continue to visit. *bows* ^_~
May 30, 2006 - So how do you guys like the new layout? Good I hope. I believe in keeping things simply and easy to relate too, so I thought I'd make this layout sophisticated, yet simple. I really hope it works out, and I get some positive feedback. Even though the story's done, doesn't mean that I wouldn't mind anymore feedback. Please continue to drop by. Thanks everyones, and don't forget to check out my new story Osiris Rising and sign my guestbook! ^_~v
March 27, 2006 - That's right everyone, I'm back and I have a BIIIIG announcement; the preview for my all new story, Osiris Rising, is up and ready for your reading pleasure! ^______^ The link to it is right below the guestbook. Please everyone, take the time, respect, courage, and maturity to drop by and check it out. It would mean so much for me because I spent at least over a year thinking out the plot, characters, locations, and research. I don't know if it'll be as long or intense as Dark Fires was, but I do hope it'll fulfill the appetites of fans of ancient Egypt, and leads you on a breathless adventure. I also wanted to say a BIIIG thank you for those readers of my Sailor Sirius fanfiction and Dark Fires. I truly didn't know how hard, frustrating, and disappointing it would be to get attention for my site, and to get readers and feedback. But you guys stuck by me and gave me the courage I need to keep my stories going, even when I felt like giving up because people were refusing to acknowledge my work. I thanks once again for sticking by me, and thank you for your honestly, encouragement, and love. You know who you are, those who've read, and all of my friends. ^_^ I am seriously planning on looking for publishers who might be interested in Dark Fires, and hopefully get it published one day. It might be a long shot, but at least I'll give it a try. I really want the world to read and enjoy all my stories, not just the internet world....who wasn't really receptive anyway. ;__; So that's about it for now. Please enjoy the sneak preview, and I'll be back to give updates on how the story is progressing. If you can't find the link to the preview, you can find it HERE. Thanks again and many blessings to you, those who have read my story! ^_~v
March 6, 2006 - Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! May the luck of the Irish rain down upon everyone. Well, today, I sort of have mixed feelings. For one....today I upload the very last chapter and epilouge for the Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus. That's right, after all this time, the story has finally come to an end. I honestly have to say I'm going to miss writing this story with such colorful, wonderful, and lively characters. They've come so alive for me, and it was so hard saying good bye to them. But like everything in this world, it had to come to an end. But when things come to an end, something else has to begin. So please stay tuned everyone for a sneak preview for my all new story, Osiris Rising. I also wanted to say thank you to all my friends who have read my story and given their important feedback and suggestions. You guys have given me the courage to keep on going with my story when it felt like no one else gave a damn. Thank you, thank you for everything! You know who you are. ^.~ To everyone else that decided it would be fun to completely ignore and pass this story by and not read.....a big HAAAAA! I finished my story, and that alone makes me more proud than I've ever been in my life. No, I'm not going to rant and rave...but I AM going to say this feels good, and it's going to feel better when I start my NEW story. ^^ For the new chapter and epilouge, please head on over tothe Chapters Page and check it out. Any feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. On another note, I did get ONE voice recording for my story....which is one more that I thought I'd get. -_-; But I'm still holding the auditions open. If any of you actually gains the courage to e-mail me and discuss recording some lines, please be my guest and let me know. You can listen to the voice recording HERE, or go to the Chapters Page and scroll down to the bottom. Since I only have one recording, I'll leave it there until SOMEHOW people actually start paying attention and send some more. *rolls eyes* Anyway, that's it for now. Oh, there is ONE new pic up on the Gallery (Pictures)Page. Do check it out and let the artist know what you think. I'm STILL accepting any fanart somebody might actually want to do for me. -_-;; Yeah right. *sighs* Anyway, if you would like to do fanart, please don't hesitate. Thanks for your time everyone. And for those of you who read and commented, thanks you from the bottom of my heart. I plan on moving Dark Fires to Fictionpress.Net starting next week, so look for this there too! ^^ Thanks a million times, and stay tuned for the special sneak preview of Osiris Rising! *bows* Don't forget to sign the guestbook! ^_~v
February 20, 2006 - Hey everyone, Happy B-Lated Valentine's Day! ^.^ I hope everyone had a great Valentine's with your starry-eyed significant other. That's what it's about, right? Love, love, and more love! ^^;; Sorry for the late update, but I was having trouble with my computer monitor, so my dad had to come from New York and get me one. So far, everything's working now on the old computer. Speaking of which, after about 4 years with this computer, I think I should look about getting me a new one soon. ^^ Anyway, for the updates; FINALLY! A new chapter of Dark Fires is up. Sorry...those of you respectful people who are reading...for the long suspenceful wait. But it's worth it, trust me. ^___^ I hope you enjoy the new chapter on the Chapters Page. There's also alot of great music lyrics on the Soundtracks Page. Drop by and check it out. Sadly, no new fanart or suggestions of webpage layouts. Although I'm not surprised, most of my requests have long since been ignored. >_<;; Oh well. Hey, if anyone cares, I'm going to open up a Voice Section of the website! If anyone wants to send in their voice recordings of any of the lines in my story, I'm more than happy to recieve them. Just e-mail me and I'll give you lines to read and record. Of course, this will be ignored too by most of you, but hey, it doesn't hurt to ask, right? *sighs and rolls eyes* Well, thanks for dropping by again...those of you who do visit and read, and come by again anytime. Take care! ^_~v
January 16, 2006 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ^^ Yeah, yeah, I know, it's way past New Year's, but in my defense, I wasn't even HERE for the holidays or New Year's. I was on vacation in Canada. In all, I had a great time visiting family and meeting new cousins. Plus it was exciting to see Canada again, as I haven't been there since I was about 3 or 4 years old. ^.^ I almost didn't want to leave, but...there'll be time enough to visit again one day. Anyway, on to the updates; there's a new chapter of Dark Fires up and ready on the Chapters Page. Wow, I can't believe according to my outlines, there's just one chapter left...ONE chapter! I never in my life since I started believed I would have made it this far. It was hard, I have to admit, finding the time and inspiration and motivation I needed for this, but...I made it, and I'm pretty damn proud of myself. ^________^ I'm sure lots of other webcomic artists or fiction webauthors would have long given up, but I certainly take pride in myself that I didn't. I would never give up on this. This isn't just for readers, but for me, personally, because I truly do want to publish this one day. The fact that I did not get much readers or feedback use to bother me, but not anymore. I have true friends that read and stuck by me with this, and that's all that matters. ^.~ There's also some great new song lyrics on the Soundtracks Page, so drop on by and check it out. Still no new pics though. *sighs* Oh well, perhaps soon. Thanks again everyone, and I hope you enjoy the new updates. Hopefully I have something better for the next updates. Thanks, and I hope your holidays were wonderful! ^_~v
December 5, 2005 - Happy Holidays! ^____^ I trust that everyone's Thankgiving was enjoyable, safe, and happy. Mine was. I had a great time visiting family and catching up with old friends. ^_^ Alright then, some great updates to report! A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think. I'd more than appreciate that. No, no, I'm not going to rant and rave about not getting reviews, comments, or feedback and such. I've gotten over that. If people want to read and give me feedback on my story, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine too. Writing this story is as much for me as anyone else, and I don't need to wait around for people to say something about it. *shrugs* I like writing this story, and I DO get feedback from good friends, and that's all that matters. Okay, enough of that. I also have some great new songs on the Soundtracks Page. I think they're awesome. ^.^ That's about it for now. I'm still holding open submissions for fanart for Dark Fires. If you're interested, please e-mail me (sharons9@hotmail.com) and let me know so I can give you details. Okies then, that's about it until next time. Please drop a not, and have a happy and wonderful Christmas, Hannakhah, Kwanzaa, and whatever else you celebrate! *blows kisses* ^_~v
November 7, 2005 - BOOO! Hey everyone! ^^ Yep, it's little old me again! Did I scare you? ^.^ I hope everyone had a safe a fun Halloween. It was fun seeing all those little kids as ghouls and angels and other creative things. My birthday was okay...even though I had to work. >_< But hey, I can't complain. Anyway, yes, I'm here for an update...that's right, all of you who are dreaming about me abandoning this site and my story can keep on dreaming. I've said it before, and dammit, I'll say it again....I am NOT letting people's stubborn silence take away my joy and dream of finishing this story to the end. Although I may not have gotten as much feedback, comments, or guestbook signatures as I would have liked, the ones I DID get was very encouraging, helpful, respectful, and gave me alot of inspiration. I'm doing this for them as much as for myself. For the few who have read, I'm sorry to have made you wait so long. Alright, enough of that before I start ranting and raving and further alienating myself from potential readers. @_@ There's a new chapter of Dark Fires up and ready for all on the Chapters Page, and a few more wonderful song lyrics that bring more life to the story on the Soundtrack Page. I hope you all will get a chance to read and please take the time and consideration to let me know what you think. I'd really appreciate it. That's about it for now. Thanks for your time and attention...those of you reading, and I hope to have something a little more exciting for you all next time. Thanks and take care! ^.~v
September 26, 2005 - Yeah, yeah, I know what you're all thinking..."Oh great, she updated again after only A MONTH and a half! Just another site that infrequent updates...why should I read?" Yes, I know it's been a while, and yes, I know I said I would be more frequent, but you try working in a daycare center for 8 hours a day with about 28 screaming, running, crying toddlers 8 hours a day for 5 days straight, and we'll see how much energy YOU have to write chapters and update sites! >_<' I'm sorry it's been a while, but it couldn't be help, and my week-ends were just as busy. To the readers and visitors of my site...my deepest apologies. I truly hope this doesn't make you all give up on me and my stories. I still would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on Dark Fires, it's SO important to me. I know, I sometimes get mad too when some of my fave webcomics or stories have not updated in a while, but now I understand that life is complicated and things come up we have no control over. We just have to make the best of it. Thanks for sticking by me so far. You know who you are, my friends that have read. ^.~ To all others, get this through your head; I've said it before, and I'll say it again...no matter how much you decide NOT to sign my guestbook or e-mail me, is the more I'm determined to finish this story, just to prove you all wrong! This story WILL be finished, and I WILL get honest, mature, respectful people to read and send feedback. *nods* There, that about says it. Now for the updates: A new chapter of Dark Fires is up and ready for you all, so please rush on over and read! ^___^ I'm really proud of this one, so feedback and comments are very much welcome. I'd appreciate it so much. There's also some new song lyrics in the Soundtrack Page. Some songs might be familiar, some not. But they're good, or else I wouldn't have chosen them. ^^ That's about it for now. Once again, please, if anyone wants to do some fanart for Dark Fires, e-mail me and I'll be more than happy to talk to you about it. That's all then. Thanks again for your time and patience, and please come back again. We're far from finished! ^_~
August 15, 2005 - Hold on to your seatbelts folks, it's another update! ^.^ Yes, yes, it's me, back again for an announcement of a new update with a new chapter and songs. Chapter 38 of the story is up and running on the Chapters Page. Please take the time (even though I know how difficult that might be to you all, -_-;;;) to drop by and let me know what you think of it. I'm pretty pleased at how it came out, if I must say so. ^^ And of course, there's a couple new, awesome songs in the Soundtrack Page for you all to get aquainted with. Yeah, I'm know, I'm getting a little too obscessed with J-pop, but I can't help it, I love it! ^^ No, no new fanart yet. *sigh* Oh well, perhaps with time. Now last week, I was a little...well, a bit more than a little...disappointed with the lack of feedback recently. I do have a couple of theories for that. One of them being that Geocities sometimes stops traffic to a site that's signed up through them if too many people visit. It's their way of trying to get people to buy space from them and pay every month. :\ Anyway, all I can say is please be patient and bear with me. The sites usually come back on in about 10 minutes or so. So please, if it happened to you and you got that "Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable", don't give up. It'll be back up and you can sign the guestbooks. But besides that....I know my websites aren't that eye-catching with spectacular graphics, animation, and awesome fanart that most of you are looking for in websites. No, I'm not an artist...no, I'm not a computer programmer or graphic designer to make you say "OOOOOOOOHHH! AHHHHHHHH!" when you come to my site. All I can ask is that you please give this site and the Sailor Sirius site a chance before you judge it as "just another website I don't have to sign the guestbook for". You would want someone to leave a nice comment on YOUR site too I bet. If you do have any suggestions, please, I'm always open to discuss them. Anyway, thanks for your time all, and I hope you enjoy everything here. Thanks again all, and much love and peace! ^_~v
August 1st, 2005 - Yes, I'm back, don't be surprised! ^.^; Don't count me out just yet, all you folks who are waiting for this site to fail. I started this, and I'm doing to darn well see this through, so don't hold your breath. For those of you who've been by my side and stuck with me, thanks again a thousand times for your support, feedback, and encouragement. I just CANNOT believe this story is just about done now. At least one...at the most 2 chapters left. I really didn't think I could do this at first, but I did, and I'm so proud of myself. ^____^ Alright, for the updates, there's a new chapter on the Chapters Page, and a new song in the Soundtracks Page. Sorry, still no new fanarts. I'm going to say this AGAIN....if there are any artists out there that is will to take the time to draw me any pics, please e-mail me and I'll give you as much detail as you need. I'd be SOOOOOO greatful. Well, that's about all the updates for now. Sorry I don't have more. -_-' Oh, just one more thing.....I've decided that when this is finished, I am going to move The Dark Fires of Cyphyrus story on the FictionPress.Com website. I just got plain sick and frustrated of waiting around for people to actually have the COURAGE to actually sign a little, teeny, tiny, harmless guestbook or send an e-mail. By moving my story there, I'll be sure to get the feedback, comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism I'm looking for and need. We'll see. Anyway, thanks again folks, and stay tuned for the preview of my next upcoming story, Osiris Rising! ^_~v
July 5th, 2005 - I hope everyone had a very happy, safe, and prosperous 4th of July! ^^ I had a great time...even though it was very tiring at the end. -_-' Anyway, new chapter is up on the Dark Fires Chapters page. Please take the time to check it out and PLEEEEAAASE write me and let me know what you think. I can't stress to you how much that would mean to me. I really don't know what else I can to to make this site interesting enough for you guys to sign the guestbook or write me, but if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. :\ There's a couple of new songs up on the Soundtracks page too. I know I keep saying this, but I really want to get it out to everyone that I AM taking Dark Fires fanart. If you'd like to contribute, please e-mail me and I can give you some details. I would be VERY grateful! ^.^ That's it for now. Please have a great time here and of course, I'm always open to comments and suggestions. Thanks and come back again! ^_~v
June 20th, 2005 - Guess who? ^^ Heyas folks! Yep, I'm back, and nope, once again I feel compelled to tell you all this site ain't going anywhere. *pauses and listens to crickets chirping in the background* Errrrr.....right. I guess I've been gone a little TOO long and most of you lost interest. ^^' Yes, I know, I know, I keep taking SOOO long to update. I have no other excuse except life throws surprises, and you have no choice but to deal with it and go with the flow. I know I keep promising to do better, but you can only keep a promise for so long. So sorry folks...those of you who are actually regular visitors here and read my story. Please bear with me, okay? There's only a couple of chapters left, so I hope all my slacking will be worth it. ^^ For any interested, I know I said last time that on the next update that I'll have some info on my next story. Sorry, but I couldn't get around to it. But I can give you the title to it..."Osiris Rising". I hope that'll wet your appetites until next time when I can give a full description. The title along should give you a clue. ^.~ As for the updates now, there's a new chapter of Dark Fires up on the Chapters Page for your reading pleasure. As usual, please read and give me any feedback or opinions you may have...those of you who have been reading. There's also some wonderful new art on the Gallerys Page which hopefully will bring to light the characters of Dark Fires. Take a gander and let the artist know how much you love them. ^^ There's also some great new songs on the Soundtrack Page. As I've stated before, if you would like to contribute to the story and offer some fanart or even suggestions on songs and such, please be my guest to e-mail me and we can talk. Come on, just e-mail me, sign the guestbook. I won't bite, I promise! ^^;; Thanks for your time folks, and I hope you keep coming back. Enjoy the updates and take care. *waves* ^_~v
May 23, 2005 - No, I'm not dead, and I didn't forget I had a website! ^________^ Yeppers folks, I'm here, and I have another great update to announce! Well....not really a GREAT update, but at least an update. ^^' A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page, so please head on over there and take a gander. Of course, I welcome any feedback, comments, suggestions, and opinions. I wanted to take a moment to thank my friends that have been so kind, respectful, and just plain cool enough to actually read my story and giving me feedback. It's given me such inspiration to continue with this, and now......I'm just so amazed at how far I've come in this novel and that it's almost done. I truly didn't think I'd have it in me to finish this, but I did, and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I didn't get as much readers or feedback as I hoped I would, but I did get some, I want to thank those special, smart, and geniune people who took the time to read the story and actually GIVE me feedback and signed my guestbook from the bottom of my heart. You truly made this worth it, and it means more to me than I can ever say in words. *bows* There's also a new song up on the Soundtrack Page, so check that out too. That's all for now. Thanks for sticking by me this far..those who've read the story and given me feedback (you know who you are! ^.~). I look forward to writing for you again in my NEW story coming up. Stay tuned for details! ^.~v Enjoy the updates all, and many blessings.
April 25th, 2005 - Hey people! ^______^ Yep, back and coming at cha once again. No, no problems with my computer this time! *laughs* Just the regular old excuse that I've been pretty much swamped between family visiting and work. But hey, I made it before a whole month went by!! Okay, only by about 3 days, but I still made it! ^.^ For those of you who were kind enough to ask about Dark Fires updating, yes, there's an update! A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. Just a bit of warning...it's a little more graphic than the other chapters. Hopefully not TOO graphic. There are also some great songs on the Soundtrack Page as usual. But here's a shocker....I actually got a FANART! Squee. Took for ever though, but I'm grateful I actually have one now. XD So it's up on the Gallery Page. Take a gander and e-mail the artist about what a great job she did. *nods* I'm still accepting any fanart for Dark Fires if anyone out there is willing, mature, and responsible enough. Drop me a line and we'll talk. That's all the news for now. Please continue to visit the site and let me know what you think. I'm more than happy to hear opinions and suggestions. Thanks all...those who read my story and visit, and take care until next time! ^_~v
March 28, 2005 - GAH! Did so much time really pass? @__@ Talk about time flying! ^^ Sorry everyone...that is, those still visiting this site and reading the story. Once again, my computer was giving problems, and I had to wait SOO long to get it fixed. So far it's working good. The only problem my computer really has is that it freezes sometimes, and I'm trying to figure out why. Oh well. I'm supposed to be getting a new one anyway soon, so I'm not going to worry my head over it. *shrugs* The good news is, I'm back, and so has The Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus. *pause* Oh come on now, you all didn't think I'd just ABANDON this, did you? Give me a break! *laughs* This site, as well as Sailor Sirius, isn't going ANYWHERE, so like I said before, get used to it. To the loyal visitors...I apologize immensely for such a long wait for the next chapter. I will do my best not to let it happen again, but I'm not making any promises. I seem to have bad luck with computers. -_-;; Anyway, on to the updates; a new chapter of Dark Fires is up for your reading pleasure on the Chapters Page, as well as some awesome new songs. Umm...no new pics yet. :( If anyone out there is willing to take the time to draw me any pics or does commissions, please e-mail me so we can talk. I'd be VERY grateful. Well, that's about it for now. Thanks again for your patience, those who have been reading, and I hope to have a new chapter very soon. Any suggestions or opinions are greatly welcomed. I hope you all had a wonderfuland Happy Valetine's and Easter Day! ^_~v
January 24, 2005 - Yes, don't hold your breath, I'm back! ^.^ Sorry for the long delay....errr...those few of you who actually come to this site. -_-' My deepest apologies, and hopefully this will not happen again. At least I'll try. Those extras hours at my job is no joke. O_o I hope everyone had a wonderful, happy, and safe holidays. Happy belated Christmas, Chanakhuh, Kwanzaa, Epiphany (Three King's Day....you know, the Three Kings from the bible that's supposed to have followed the Bethlehem star to visit baby Jesus), and New Year's to you all. ^____^ Alright, to the updates; there's a new chapter of Dark Fires is up on the Chapters Page. Please take the time to read it and let me know what you think. It's gotten nice reviews from my editors so far, so hopefully it'll be worth it. ^.^ There's also some great new songs on the Soundtrack Page. Still no pics. -_____-; If there's anyone that would like to contribute some art for Dark Fires, please be my guest and e-mail me for details. I would REALLY appreciate it. *pleading look* That's it for now. Please keep coming and thank you for coming by. I do appreciate it. ^___^ Thanks, and many blessings to you all. *waves*
December 6, 2004- Hey y'all! ^_^ Betcha thought I was dead, huh? Betcha thought I'd given up, huh? Betcha thought I completely went back on my word and left this site, huh? Well, to answer those questions.....HELL NO! To tell the truth..and not to make it sound like an excuse or something...I've been without my computer for the past 3 and a half months. Let's just say that I'm not exactly computer literate. -_-' Also, I have don't have very predictable hours at my job, so it's very rare I actually get days to myself. No, I'm not going to bore you with the details and more excuse. What matters now is that I'm here, and there are some great updates to report. *pause* Okay, maybe not THAT great, but updates nonetheless. ^^ A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. Please take a look, read, and let me know what you think. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, considering how long it's been since I've written. O_o I'd really appreciate feedback. There's also a couple of new songs on the Soundtrack Page that I think you'd all like. Check it out! Well, no pics yet of Dark Fires. *sighs* If anyone out there would have the time, and decency to do pics for me, please e-mail me so I can give you details! Please? *puppy dog eyes* Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you all....the few readers I actually DO have...for sticking by me and for your patience. You truly make writing and keeping up a website worth it. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and many blessings to you all! ^_~v
August 16, 2004- WHHHEEE! Guess who's back? ^____________^ That's right, I'm back, and no, I have NOT abandoned this site either! For all of you who thought I gave up this.......WRONG! ^^ Like I said on the Sailor Sirius site, I've worked too hard on this for me to become immature, lazy, and irresponsible like others would to let it just rot. So no, I'm not abandoning this. I'm seeing this threw to the end. Sorry for taking so long in updating. Things have been really crazy with me for the past couple of months, but it's all good now. I don't know how long, but it's all good for now. *chuckles* For the updates, there's a new chapter up on the Chapters Page. I worked hard on that. Please read and let me know what you think. I'd really appreciate it. There's also some cool new song tracks on the Soundtrack Page. Last but not least, there's a new pic on the Galleryt Page. Check THAT out. ^^ That's about it for now. Anyone who would like to contribute to pictures for Dark Fires, please be my guest and e-mail me about it so I can give descriptions. Lord knows I'd love more pics. ^^' Well, thanks again for the few of you who came by and was actually mature enough to sign my guestbook. I appreciate it, it show just how cool you are. ^_^ Please continue to drop by and let me know what you think. Until next time, take care! ^_~v
May 31, 2004- Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day, and thought about the American, British, Polish, and soldiers from other countries who are sacrificing their lives to keep the hope of peace alive. Please keep them in your thoughts. *nods* Okay, as for updates, a new chapter of Dark Fires is up and ready for you all to check out on the Chapters Page. There's also a couple of great new songs on the Soundtrack Page. I do hope you all are enjoying the updates and that you drop me a line. Just because I've gotten some great reviews doesn't mean you guys who happen to drop here have to remain silent. It's okay, I won't bite...write me, sign my guestbook. ^_^ Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you all soon. *waves*
May 3, 2004- Yes, I'm back on track! ^.^ Welcome to another update! Umm..well, not really much of an update, but it's something. ^^; A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. I really hope you all are enjoying this, because based on the feedback, I'm seriously considering turning this into a manuscript and getting it published as a young adult or even children's story someday. The amount of positive feedback I'm getting from my REAL friends that I have sent this to has really given me alot of hope and courage in thinking I CAN do this. So please, do me a favor and at least skim through some of the chapters and let me know what you think. I would really appreciate it. You know you would want someone to do the same for you. ^__^ There's also a new song in the Soundtrack Page, so take a gander at that too. Sorry, no new pics today. I was hoping with the announcement on the last update I'll get some volunteers for drawing the characters of Dark Fires, but I guess......they were just not interested or too busy. -_-' Oh well, patience reaps it's own rewards. Once again, if anyone would like to contribute some Dark Fires pics, I'll be more than happy to accept them. Just send them my way. You know my e-mail. ^.~ Well, that's about it until next time. Enjoy the new chapter and don't forget.....PLEASE e-mail me or sign my guestbook and let me know what you think. Thanks, and be safe until next time! ^_~v
April 20, 2004- AAAAAAH! I can't believe how much time has passed! O_o *facevaults* For those of you who were eagerly awaiting updates concerning Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus, I offer my sincerest apologies. I'm afraid I've been bitten by the dreaded "I was SO busy!" bug. From ever since I could remember, I've always hated that excuse, I hated hearing it and reading it from e-mail friends. Now, I have no choice but to say I was "so busy" myself. -_-' My hours at my job has greatly increased...not to mention that the hours are unpredictable. And on the week-ends when I do have time....something always comes up, whether it's visiting family or church. *sigh* I am SO sorry people, and hopefully it will not happen again. Please accept my apology and know that I did not intend for this to happen, nor do I intend to LET it happen again. Thank you. For those of you who couldn't care less about my site and story and hoped that I abandoned this site.....TOO BAD FOR YOU! ^.^ I've said it before and I'll say it again...this site and the Sailor Sirius site isn't going ANYWHERE. Anyway, please do me the honor of dropping by the Chapters Page and checking out the new chapter, and take a gander of the new song in the Soundtracks Page. Sorry for those of you who care, no pics this time. If anyone is willing to do some pics for me, I'll be more than grateful to give you descriptions on the girls and everyone else. Thanks for your patience, your understanding, and maturity. I hope you enjoy the updates, and take care until next time! ^_~v
March 1, 2004- Hey all. ^_^ Oh alright, get all the groanings over with. I'm back. ^____^ Okay, first things first, a new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. Check it out, and do be kind and respectful enough to sign the guestbook or drop me an e-mail. Come on, it won't take you but a minute or two, you can't be "too busy" to sign my guestbook when you sign so many others! ^^' But seriously, it'll be much appreciate. There's also a new song up on the Soundtrack Page. I'm very sure you all will like the song, I certainly do. That's it for now. Once more I do ask again that if anyone who happens to drop by here wants to do any Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus pics, I'm more than willing to discuss it and recruit some artists. It'll be fun, it'll give you something to do, so if there's any kind-hearted, RESPECTFUL, consistent, doesn't use the "I'm busy" excuse artists out there, I'm talking to you! ^.~ Write me, okay? Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed the few updates there. Happy St. Patrick's Day, and take care of yourselves. ^_~v
February 9, 2004- TADAAA! That's right, it's me, and I have NOT abandoned this site like I'm sure some of you hoped. ^______^ For those of you who care and have been keeping up, sorry for the long wait, lots of things have been happening, like a new job and unpredictable hours, but I made it through and I'm back! ^^ Okay, a new chapter of Dark Fires is up, as well as a couple of new songs on the Soundtrack Page. Sorry, no new pics this time, but there's hope there'll be some next update! So stay tuned and find out. And if anyone would like to do some Dark Fires drawings for me, I'd be more than willing to accept them. Please enjoy the new chapter and songs, and of course....yes, I'm going to say this again and again.....PLEASE sign the guestbook and e-mail me about my sites. I mean come on, what do I have to do, jump through the screen and bite you to write me or sign the guestbook? Be brave! Until next time then, take care and keep coming back. ^_~v
December 29, 2003- Hey everyone! ^_^ I hope you all had a great Christmas, Channakhuh, Kwanzaa, and all other holiday celebrations with your family and friends. I had a nice time, but I wish my brother was home from the Iraq war though, as well as my cousin. *sad sigh* But hopefully that'll all end soon. Right now, everyone has to give their thoughts and prayers to all the American, British, Polish, and all other soldiers from other countries over there who are sacrificing so much. God bless you all, and come back to your loved ones soon. But besides that, what matters is celebrating the TRUE meaning of Christmas and the other holidays, and spending them with loved ones, and thinking about the loved ones who can't be there. *nods* Okay, great updates today! A new chapter of Dark Fires is up, and so far it's gotten some great reviews. Please go check it out. ^^ I've also got some great new song lyrics for the Soundtrack Page. Great songs I know everyone will love. ^.^ And last but not least, I got an award! That's right, someone actually paid attention to my Dark Fires website and read my stories! WHOOHOO! Take that, everyone who's been ignoring my site! *laughs* No, but seriously, I'm very honored, and I hope it's just the first of many. Remember, if you have any suggestions, comments, feedback or anything, please write me and let me know. Thanks for your time folks, and have a wonderful and safe New Year's. Take care, and as usual, please sign my guestbook and drop me a line! ^_~v
December 8, 2003- Merry Christmas everyone! ^^ Just a small little update before the big Christmas Day. A new chapter of Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus is up....*pause and listens to silence*...Gee, don't you all go rushing over there to read now, okay? :\ Anyway, please enjoy it and let me know what you think. I'd appreciate it alot. There's also a new pic up on the Gallery site. It's pretty good, and I know you all will like it. There's also a couple of new songs on the Soundtrack page too. Heh, at this rate, the songs will be longer than the chapters! ^^ Okies then, that's about all. Of course just as before, PLEASE sign my guestbook or drop me an e-mail. Come on, be nice for the holidays, drop me a line and give me any feeback, commments, and opinions. It'll be the best Christmas present ever! ^^ *chuckles* Take care then, and Merry Christmas, Happy Channakhuh, Kwanzaa, and everything else to everyone! ^.~ Everything new is indicated with the "new" sign....you know the drill. ^^
November 24, 2003- What's up everyone! Yes, I'm still alive, for those few of you who were still wondering. -_-' Just letting you all know that a new chapter of Dark Fires is up on the Chapter Page, and alot of new songs on the Soundtracks Page that I forgot to add on the last update! Sorry! ^.^ Please check them out and enjoy them. I'm pretty proud of how the new chapter came out, alot more than I even outlined at first. Guess this writing thing really is fun! *chuckles* That's all for now. Yes, I keep saying this, but I want to make sure everyone understands when they visit this site: PLEASE sign my guestbook before you leave and e-mail me about my site! It's just common curtesy, you guys can do that, right? ^.~ Thanks for dropping by again, and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving! ^____^ Everything new is marked by a "NEW!" sign.
November 3, 2003- Hey guys! ^^ Yes, I'm alive, it's okay! ^^' I can't let what little fans I do have down, now can I? Okies, there's a new chapter of Dark Fires up on the Chapters Page, and there is a new pic in the Gallery Page. Take a peek, I know you all will love it. ^.~ There's also a great new song up on the Soundtracks Page. I did have an award, but I have to write back and ask them to send it again, since I accidently deleted it. O-o It should be up next update. I also wanted to thank my friends who wished me a Happy Birthday. You're the sweetest! *blows kisses to them* ^.^ Alright, that's all the updates for now. As always, thanks to all you cool, lovely, wonderful people who've written me about my sites. Enjoy the updates, and please, e-mail me with your comments, opinions, and feedback, and sign my guestbook! ^_~v
October 6, 2003- Wow, can you believe it? It's been over a year since Dark Fires Of Cyphyrus has opened! Gosh, time sure does fly. ^^ Thanks to you all....those of you that actually came here and signed my guestbook and e-mailed me...for making this such a wonderful and happy journey for me in telling the story of these girls. All your feedback and encouragement has made this all worth it. ^_^ I do hope you all will keep coming back and support me. Alright, for today, a new chapter is up, as well as FINALLY a couple of new pics for you to look at. As usual, please let me know if you have any suggestions and feedback. The more you contact me and give me any ideas, the more I can make the story and website even better. Once again, thank you all for those of you who were respectful, intelligent, and mature enough to sign my guestbook and write me. You rock! ^.^ Thanks. Happy Yom Kippur to all the Jewish people out there...may peace reign always, and Happy Halloween! ^_~v
September 1, 2003- Happy Labor Day to everyone in America! I hope the day off from work allowed you all to have a restful and peaceful time. Anyway, just to let anyone who cares now, a new chapter of Dark Fires is up and ready on the Chapters Page. The action has finally started again, so go check it out! ^^ Also, there's a new song up on the Soundtrack Page that I'm sure fans of a certain Latin singer will like. ^.^ No new pics yet, but hopefully I'm hoping to find some artists willing to do me the favor. It's not easy....being as some artists can be downright a....err...well, let's just say it's not easy. -_-' Well, please enjoy what's up so far, and hopefully I'll have lots more stuff to show you all. Any suggestions you might have to make this site and story any better is always welcome of course. But you'd actually have to sign my guestbook and write me in order for me to know about them. --' Laterz then folks, and please keep coming back and sign the guestbook. ^_~v
August 18, 2003- Whaddup all? Okies, first things first, there's a new chapter on the Chapters Page for you all to check out. I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to you all who actually took the time to read and give me some feedback. To those of you wrote wrote me and signed my guestbook....you ROCK! ^______^ I also got a new song up on the Soundtrack. I like the song, it's really cool!Now, I've noticed that lately, there hasn't been much pics concerning the characters of Dark Fires. If any of you artists out there...the nice ones that is....would like to draw me a couple of pics of the Dark Fires girls and other character, I'd be more than grateful. Just please e-mail me for some details. That's it for now. Hopefully next time will be some great Dark Fires pics. Thanks, and be cool! ^_~v
August 4, 2003- Yep, another update today! ^^ Not much though. A new chapter is up on the Chapters Page. I'm really proud of how this came out, so please let me know what you all think, okay? Don't be shy, sign the guestbook, I PROMISE it won't bite you! ^^; And you can drop a line too through e-mail...it won't bite either. *chuckles* Thanks all, and a safe and happy Labor Day to all Americans if I don't update before then. Laterz until next time! ^_~v
July 15, 2003- Yeah, I know, a day late and a dollar short, huh? ^^ Sorry, I was supposed to be home at a certain time, but the long got longer than I expected. For those of you who actually come here and read my stories...sorry about that, and I hope that the few of you weren't THAT angry with me for taking so long. Anywayz, the next chapter of Dark Fires is up on the Chapters Page, as well as a new song in the Soundtrack...finally. ^.^ Please check them out and let me know what you think. You all know how important feedback is to me. Alright, laterz then, and please, sign the guestbook and drop me an e-mail line! ^_~v
June 23, 2003- What's up everyone? Whew, just 3 days shy of a whole month this time instead of 6 weeks like the last time! I really would like to thank all of you who were patient enough with me. But please keep coming! The updates may not be as fast as everyone will like, but it's coming, believe me. So without further ado, the next chapter of Dark Fires is up for your viewing please on the Chapters Page, as well as another great, new pic! I know, I know, not much, but it's something. Next time I'll have a new song or two in the Soundtrack Page to make it up, okay? *laughs* Also, any suggestions on what the site might need to make it better is welcome. Perhaps then I'll get even more visitors. ^^ So please write away. And as usual, please sign the guestbook and e-mails always welcome, so please don't be shy! Laterz, and Happy 4th of July for America. ^_~v
May 26, 2003- Yes, yes, it me, back from the dead! ^^' Seriously, sorry for the long wait everyone...umm...those few of you who actually visited this site and read the story so far and wrote me about it. :\ Things have certain been quite hectic with me, but thankfully it's quieted down, so now I'm back to the routine of writing chapter at least every other week. Thanks for my friends...they know who they are...for writing to me and expression concern over Dark Fires. See, it took a while, but I finally got a chapter out! *laughs* Anyway, a new chapter is up on the Chapters Page, and I'd love for you all to let me know what you think. Plus some awesome new pics are up on the Gallery. They're pretty good if you ask me! Enjoy the updates everyone, and please, as always, please sign the guestbook and e-mail me. I won't bite if you do, really! ^.^ Thanks, and I hope you all in America had a wonderful Memorial's Day. Please come bacak again soo. ^_^
April 7, 2003- A new chapter is up on the Dark Fires chapters page, plus some new, theme songs for the girls. Heh, I think I made some good selections. ^^ Also, there's a great new pic up. Please check it out and let me know what you all think. Thanks again to all who've helped check over and edit my stories. I appreciate it. But if anyone else out there would like to send any comments or such, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks and I'll be back soon with more great updates. Happy Easter and take care! ^.~
March 24, 2003- Hiyas folks! A great new chapter is up in the Chapters Page and a new pic of Angeni is awaiting in the Gallery site. Drop by and take a gander. I'm sure you'll love it. ^_^ I'd like to take moment to thank my friends for their support in my story and checking it over for me so I won't be embarrassed by leaving up typos. ^^ Also, I'd also like to thank those out there who've had the curtesy, respect and courage to write me about my site and Sailor Sirius and signing the guestbooks. Thanks all! Everyone, please enjoy the updates and don't forget to write! ^_~v
March 10, 2003- I know, I know, where the hell have I been, right? Sorry, lots of drama in my life and such. *sighs* I know all you fans out there were waiting with baited breaths! *pauses and hears a cricket chirping in the background* Okay...maybe not THAT much fans. O_o Anyway, I'm happy to announce that a new chapter is FINALLY up, and I hope you enjoy this one, it was pretty intense to write. ^^; A new song is also up on the Soundtrack page too. I hope everyone will have a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day. Remember, everyone's Irish on St. Patty's Day! *laughs* Oh, and I would LOVE to have some more Dark Fires pics. Anyone willing to oblige? ^^ Okies then, thanks for dropping by. See you guys soon! *waves* ^____^
January 27, 2003- Howdy everyone! I hope everyone had a very educational and inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I know all you school kids loved the day off! *laughs* Anyway, a new chapter of Dark Fires is up in the Chapters Page, as well as a new song in the Soundtracks Page, and a new pic on the Gallery. I've been told this chapter was really good, so please drop me some comments and suggestions. ^.^ And sign the guestbook, PLEASE! *puppy dog eyes* I know you guys are out there and visit. SIGN! ^_____^ Thanks for your time then, and keep dropping by.
January 13, 2003- Yes folks, it's me again! ^.^ Even though I've had a very hectic couple of weeks babysitting and such, things have quieted down a little. I FINALLY got a job, and luckily, it's not as many hours as I thought, so hopefully I will be able to update more. Okay, chapter 8 is up, so please go check it out and let me know what you think. As usual, comments and opinions are encouraged and welcomed. There are also some awesome new pics in the Gallery page and great new songs in the Soundtrack page. Please enjoy all the updates, and of course, WRITE ME! ^^; I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's. Take care then, and enjoy. ^__^
December 9, 2002- Hey again! Yeah, I know, it's been a while, but things have been hectic. ^^ Anyway, a great new chapter is up in the Chapters Page, as well as a new pic in the Gallery. Check it out! Also, some awesome new songs in the Soundtrack page that I know everyone will love. I hope you enjoy all the new stuff, and don't forget to drop me a line, okay? Laterz, and Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanakha!! ^.~v
November 18, 2002- Chapter six and two more songs for the soundtrack is up and ready for your reading pleasure folks. Go take a gander and PLEASE write and let me know what you think. ^______^
November 4, 2002- What's up? Heheh, surprised to see an update so soon. ^^ Enjoy it while it lasts! Errr...those of you who are actually coming here to this site. -_-; Chapter 5 is up, as well as a new song in the soundtrack. Thanks, and come back soon. ^-~
October 28,2002- Chapter 4 of Dark Fires is up and ready for your reading pleasure. ^^ Some more awesome new soundtrack lyrics are up, as well as a new pic. Check it out, and have a wonderful and save Happy Halloween! ^.~v
October 14, 2002- What's up folks! Alright, chapter three of the Dark Fires story is up and ready for all, and I have a couple of great songs added to the soundtrack. Enjoy, and please, DON'T forget to sign my guestbook! >_<
September 30, 2002- Hey everyone! ^^ Some great new updates today. Chapter 2 is up and ready for reading, as well as some great new song lyrics to the soundtrack. Please, drop me a line or sign the guestbook, and let me know what you think. I know you're all out there and visiting, I can hear you breathing. ^.^ That's it for now. See ya next time! *waves* ^_^
September 23, 2002- Welcome to the grand opening of the Dark Fires of Cyphyrus! ^__^ I hope you will all enjoy your stay here in the humble beginnings of this site. I know, it's not all fancy or have much graphics, but it's a beginning, and I like it so far. *nods* If you'd like to contribute some backgrounds or any nifty web design graphics, please be my guest and drop me a line. ^^ The first chapter of the story is up. Please send any comments and feedback, as they are so very important. And before ANYONE tries to flame me about how this is like Sailor Moon...IT'S NOT!!!!! This does have some influence on the whole Japanese magical girls genre, but it is not a copy of Sailor Moon, so don't even try it. If you do....I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE THE ANIMAL YOU ARE, AND I CAN DO IT!! *calms down* Okay, I think I got my message across. Thanks, and please come back again. ^^