Dark Fires Gallery: The Picture Of Those With The Power To Change A World


Hello, and welcome to the gallery portion of this site. Take a look at the characters that come together to create the story of magic, mystery, and intrigue. All pics are copyrighted to the artists, so please be polite and do not copy. ^_^

By Kitt

From left to right, Heather, Prya, Jeneta, Angeni, and Xiang Ling. I love this pic, it gives off their personality perfectly. ^^

  • A beautiful pic of Heather looking very regal and ladylike. Cute.

    By Miaku Estrada

  • A beautiful pic of the Dark Fires girls, Prya, Ling, Heather, Jeneta, and Angeni, wearing their school uniform and hanging out before class. Way cool, I love it! ^-^
  • A beautiful portrait of all the girls in the past lives as The Ones Who Are Blessed. Truly wonderful, and exactly how I pictured them.
  • You have to see to believe! It's Jeneta, Prya, Angeni, Heather, and Ling as mermaids swimming around and having fun! CUUUTE! Makes me want to go take a swim. ^^

    By Kelli DaCute

  • Angeni waving and proudly showing off her trademark yellow feather. Cute, and she knows she is too! *laughs*
  • Isn't she just too kawaii? ^^ Heather looking as like she's trying to figure something out. Me like, me like!
  • Jeneta listening to her CD walkman and chilling out. Go girl! *thumbs up*
  • Prya in a rare, happy moment. It HAS to be a sin to be this adorable!
  • Heh, just TRY and mess with her! It's Ling showing off her fighting pose. Don't let her cuteness fool you. ^^

    By Mike Moon

  • Jeneta sporting a trendy Valentine's Day outfit. Tre` chic! ^-^
  • A most lovely pic of Angeni relaxing on the couch and reading some magazines. Looks like she's about to get some company. By the way, that IS an authentic GAP shirt she's wearing. She likes to keep up with her fashion. ^-^
  • Awesome! This is a wonderful pic of Prya standing at the doorway of her home and holding a rose. Her outfit is totally cool and she looks like she's welcoming some friends. So pretty!
  • Ling enjoying her lunch of "dark fries" on a beautiful afternoon. I just love this, it makes me want to start eating lunch again. I also like the expression on her face. ^.^
  • Heather enjoying some tea on a very beautiful afternoon. I love her hat! Isn't she just purty? ^.^
  • A truly awesome pic of the villianess Sabanti giving her trademark smirk and looking beautiful but deadly. BOO! HISS! ^^;
  • A fantastic pic of the girls enjoying a picnic on a beautiful day. It's so cute!! I love it, I wish I was there!
  • A very beautiful and well drawn pic of the Dark Fires girls having the time of their lives at a party. I just adore their dresses! ^.^ NEW!

    By Magic Kitty

  • A beautiful pic of Ling wearing a traditional Chinese robe, showing off her culture. Too cute!
  • A black and white pic of Heather sitting and relaxing without her glasses.
  • A charcoal drawing of Jeneta holding her sword, the Eye of Ra.

    By Wild Card

  • A very wonderful and professional looking pic of Djoser, Ling, Jeneta, and Prya posing. This is awesome, I love it! The expressions on their faces are perfect for their personality. ^^

  • Lovely pic of Prya sitting on her swing at home and looking up at the stars. It's so cool to me because it's what I do sometimes....look at the stars. ^^

    By Hannah

  • A masterpiece pic of Angeni, Prya, Heather, Jeneta, and Ling all sitting and posing together. I love this SOOOO much because it shows each of their own unique beauty and grace, and I love the coloring. Thanks girl! ^-^
  • A beauttiful portrait of Jeneta in her normal human form and in her Goddess form. I just love her hair in this!

    By Triad Fox- All pics are black and white.

  • Lovely pic of noble Angeni, giving the peice sign. You just HAVE to dig the authentic outfit.^^
  • Awwwww, isn't Heather just the cutest? Looks like she's finally got stomped by something.
  • Jeneta is just the picture of innocence here. So kawaii! I just love her eyes.
  • Ling looks like she's ready for some fun, and no one is going to get in her way. You GO girl! ^^
  • Sweet Pyra looking just as shy as ever. I absolutely love her outfit.

    By Kimberly W.

  • A black and white sketch of the girls all together. I love it, it's just too cute! NEW!

    By Lori Finnegan

  • A beautiful, very colorful pic of Jeneta, Angeni, Ling, Prya, and Heather enjoying a pleasant day of shopping. Love it! Thanks so much Lori! NEW!


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