The Wisdom of the Soul
When Heather was 6 years old and her sister Emma was 9, their parents suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth. Many people in their working class neighborhood suspected that the couple never really took good care of their daughters, so when they left them in the care of their grandparents, most were almost glad they never came back and custody given to their mother's parents. Heather's parents were alcoholics, often leaving the girls home to fend for themselves when they went out to party or staying with their grandparents...sometimes days at a time. But no matter how long they worked, Heather's parents never seemed to make enough. When they abandoned her and her sister, it was found out that most of the money they made was spent on gambling and booze. Heather's grandparents tried their hardest to get the couple some help, but it was to no avail. But in all, it worked out for the best, for now Heather and her sister recieved the care they needed and deserved. Even at a young age, Heather showed exceptional intelligence, especially in math and language. In her old school, Heather was often thought of as "weird" or a "freak" because of knowing the answers to questions before anyone else, or even helping some of the older kids with their homework. Very shy and withdrawn, she would often be by herself during lunchtime or studyhall. In many instances, her sister would end up in fights to protect her, which made Heather feel more bad and useless. When she permanently moved in with her grandparents, they saw her intelligence, and quickly put her in a school for gifted children.
Heather has seen Jeneta once in a while, as being neighborhoods, they were somewhat close, but she never expected the dark-skinned girl to actually attend HER school. It is easy to see how her parent's abandonment has greatly affected Heather. She believes if her own parents hated her enough to leave her, then everyone else will. Her grandparents and sister try to tell her that it wasn't the case, but Heather wouldn't believe it. As the years went by, she gave up her fantasy that her parents will come back for her. But she knew that one day, if she ever had children of her own, she would never do that to them. As a Capricorn, Heather is very down to Earth, and only relies on logic and science to give her explanations on things. She looks at her intelligence as more of a curse then a blessing. She can be outgoing and friendly, but only when the mood strikes her.