The Spirit of Kindness

  • Name: Prya Namrata
  • Age:16
  • Birthplace: Calcutta, India
  • Birthday: June 3
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Nationality: East Indian
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 5 feet 2 inches
  • Fave Food: Curry and rice
  • Least Fave Food: Pork
  • Dreams: To be happy and have a family of her own and be a successful businesswoman
  • Strengths: Staying calm in stressfull situations, kindness and determination
  • Weakness: Being a push-over, too quiet, and only seeing the "good" in people
  • Family: Mother and father
  • Siblings: None


    Born into a rich and prominent family in the upperclass of Calcutta, Prya had it all; money, suitors, the best schooling....but for some strange reason, none of it made her happy. Her parents were hoping to have a boy as their first child, so it was to their dismay that their baby came out a girl. Prya's parents were very successful business people, and they wanted all of their savings and property to be carried on by a strong son, as was expected in that country and their class. Try as hard they could, Prya's mother never got pregnant again, and so they had to be satisfied with her. Somehow Prya always knew this, and resigned herself into thinking that no matter what she did, no matter how well she did in school or in anything, her parents never be happy with her because of something she could not help; she was female. While her parents never really mistreated her, they never showed her any kindness or closeness either. Prya knew something was wrong when one day when she was 11, her father went to see a friend's son in a school recital rather than come see her give a speech in her class because she as the one who had the highest grades. That was when the Indian girl knew that if she ever had a family of her own, she would love all her children equally, boy or girl, because she knew how devestating it was to be virtually ignored.

    But despite all that, Prya, as a Gemini, always kept a sunny disposition, seeing the "good" in things and very sociable. She has always been kind to her few friends and any strangers that would need her help. Like all kinds in the world, Prya dreams of finding the perfect man and having her ideal family, but she also thinks she is still young, and wants to do many things and accomplish her dreams of being a businesswoman before she settles down. She is a devote Hindu, and is often found in the Hindu churches, praying for favor from her gods and hoping that someday, somehow, her parents would see her more than just a burden they would have to "marry off" one day. Prya is also a romantic at heart, and hopes she could marry for love, unlike her parents which married for convienience. A few weeks after she scored the highest in an national test at school, Prya recieved a letter with an application, inviting her to attend the prestigious school for gifted children in London, England. Elated that she had a chance to make something of herself, Prya quickly applied and got accepted. Even her parents were suprised, and finally understood the value in their daughter.


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