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Our First Meeting
The First Lot of Cubs
Green Six
The Whole Pack
Yellow Six
The first pack meeting was held on Saturday 21st of May 2005.  We had been without Cubs for nearly 3 years.  But under the careful watch of Akela (Ann) and Bagheera (Celia) we got going.   Our first visitor at our first meeting was AAC Cubs Veronica.
The pack would be lost without our two very capable Pack Helpers, Justin and Sam.

We invested our first four cubs on 25 June.
With the investiture of our next four Cubs on 30 July we were well on our way to becoming a force to be reckoned with!
We have two sixes, seen here on the right is Yellow Six.
And to the left is Green Six
Our meetings even sometimes draw some of our neeighbouring Cubs, seen here are two cousins, one a Walmer Cub, who came to watch his cousin's investiture.