The little camp that could...
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St Croix very rarely all camp together.  We are very good at having little camps here and there, but not much in the way of big camps.  So we tried a troop camp at our own Scout Hall. You need proof?

This was taken before we climbed through the mud-flats of the Swartkops river in search of birds footprints.  It was the last time we saw them clean the whole weekend...
The camp was great, with many memorable moments, and a huge thanks to Carolyn, or Froggy as she became known, for joining us! We really appreciate it!
The whole group...
We invested Derek at the campfire that weekend.
There was a slight rice incident with Johan...
And on Sunday morning we decided to break Carolyn's leg, to give Andile, Adriaan and Marius a chance to fix it...
It was also discovered that a piece of rope and a barrel can entertain Scouts and drive Scouter's mad all at the same time!
And she didn't even need pain killers...
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