And we walked...
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The pathfinders have never been on a hike.  And so we decided to hike, with the help of Sunridge Scouter Simon, in Groendal on the lower Blindekloof route.  Actually we did very little hiking, lots of talking, eating and kidding around, but not so much serious hiking.
And here's the proof...

Firstly, after the monumental uphill to the monument (pun intended), we decided to take a break in the conveniently situated tree.  From left, Simon, Marius, Carmen, Jess, Derek, Adriaan (at the bottom) and Katherine.
And we climbed the tree
The girls decided to show us what Angels they really are, and crossed a deep river to do so.  They arrived dry, while I, the poor photographer arrived soaked, thanks in large part to Simon's need to throw rocks into the river at my feet.
The St Croix Crime-Fighters
The hike was a huge success, thanks in large part to our hike leader Simon, and Carmen's mom, Gillian who came along for the experience.  Thanks guys!
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