This is the only all girl patrol in St. Croix. We currently have two patrol members in addition to our patrol leader and assistant patrol leader.

Patrol camp
The Seagulls recentely went on their first solo patrol camp at Hogan Park.  It was a grand achievement and well enjoyed.

Girls in scouting
As girls in scouting we do occasionally face discrimination. There are several different camps, like our Boot Camp, that we are not allowed to attend, because they think that we are not capable enough to do what they want to do. The point is that whether or not we can do it, we promised when we joined scouting that we would do our best and we want to be given the chance to try!
P.L.T.U. For girls

It is known and accepted that girls have to go to P.L.T.U. in Cape Town instead of East London. This is because East London does not have the facilities for girls and boys. We need bathrooms for us too!
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The Seagulls upstairs in Darzee's office