Amanda's Experience ~ First off, just from what my friends had been telling me in Youth Group, I was extremely excited. I barely slept the night before. The bus ride there was long! Too long, but maybe that was just because I was so excited. Everyone from CT who was going to Steubenville made a pit stop at St. Anne's Shrine and seeing as though this was my first year, when everyone started singing nd dancing I felt just a tad out of place. But, as the weekend progressed it got much better. I remember getting out of the bus and lugging my 100 lbs of stuff to the tent (Note to New Commers: Pack light). Just looking at the massive tents set up I was amazed at all the people. I mean, all the teenagers who actually gave up one weekend of summer to go and excercise their faith. But by the end of the weekend I knew exactly why they all came. It was an absolutely awesome experience and I wish they had enough room so everyone from out church could go. I remember the first night when all of us (well over 2,000 teenagers) were sitting in the tent and they were going through a speech and introducing people. I remember thinking, "God forgive me but if this is what is going on all weekend why did I come?" God showed why I came on Saturday night during Adoration. No words can describe the feeling I got or the thoughts that ran through my head like a scroll that night. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who might come next year, but I must tell you; think of the best time you have had in your life and multiply that by a million. That's how much fun I had at my weekend at Steubenville East. I don't know how many of you know but this year's theme was "Set Free" to be set free, and they would continuously play the theme song, but after Adoration, the song to me made sense. Before Saturday night it was just a song but after it was real to me. It took on a whole new life inside of me. The entire weekend is one huge concert. So, I urge everyone who can to come and if you don't enjoy it, what can I say..It really amazes me what can happen when you throw a lot of love for each other and God into one very large tent. You make new friends and hang out with people you normally would never associate with. I know that's what happened to me. <3 God Bless <3 Amanda |
Tracy's Experience- Before I was invited to Steubenville, I really didn't know much about it. A few of my St. Matt's youth group kids have mentioned it earlier in the year and I was curious but felt that being my first year in Youth ministry, I wasn't really prepared to go quite yet. When the invitation was extended by Bev at a retreat we were on together, I thought it might be a great chance for me to experience what this 'Steubenville' event was all about. All I knew was that it was an 'energetic' high school Christian youth conference. WOW! My Steubenville experience was life changing. The best way to describe it was witnessing 2,500 teenagers celebrating God like I have never seen before. I still live the experience in my mind of all of those young people singing and yelling out their love and devotion to Jesus. This event not only amazed me but it also stirred up my faith to a very emotional level. I think about God now more than ever. If 2,500 teenagers, with all of their challenges of growing up and dealing with the world, can so openly express their love for God and each other - then I certainly shouldn't hold back either! The energy of these kids electrified the spirit of God. He was there, all around us. This experience opened my heart more than ever and that feeling has not gone away. It never will. I was never a closed person but I feel more ALIVE than ever because of this experience. I was also moved by the kids I met in the Dominic's group. I now believe that it was meant to be for us to meet. Everyone is so very special and unique. I fel as close to the Dominic's kids as I do my own now. God indeed works in unexpected ways! I truly look forward now to taking the St. Matt's kids to Steubenville next year too and all of us coming ALIVE together! We can accomplish anything with God in our hearts..:) |