Please allow the pictures to load up...they are well worth the wait
Group picture ~ Left to right, Top to Bottom - Craig, Dave, Aaron, Tracy, Candace, Justine, Amanda, Chris, Kelly M., Heather, Kelly N., Kim, Bev, Emily, Stephanie, and Becca.
Peek-a-boo we see you Steph!
Some of you are probably asking...What IS that green thing?!?  That's right, you guessed it Veggie Tales! While on the bus with other teens from Connecticut, they seemed to bring along a friend.
(For a surprise put your mouse over the picture)
Even though this is from last year's
I really don't want to get rid of this picture just yet =P
Two of the many statues at St. Anne's Shrine in Fiskdale, MA.  The pre-rally took place here.  When you walk the grounds there is really a lot to see.
Kelly, Amanda and Craig behind Kelly on the bus ride to MA.
Look what happens when we don't keep an eye on our adult chaperones!  Hope you slept well Chris.