SteamGen: Your source for steam power! Your source for Steam Power

9010 E.28th St.
Tulsa, OK 74129

Click to see engine
This is an example of using the       
generated power for welding . . .

With steam you can:
  • Produce high voltage/high amperage electricity

  • Recycle the 212 degree waste steam to heat your house.

  • Produce distilled water.

  • Use the waste heat, in an autoclave, to bend wood.

  • Capture the waste heat to make domestic hot water in your water heater.

  • You can do all of this with wood and water on a cloudy day.

  • You can even Run A Welder without any other powersource
Isn’t Steam expensive?
  • Solar costs is $10/watt, wind and hydro are $4/watt, steam is $3/watt.

  • Have you ever heard of a steam engine being down because of a lighting strike?

  • When it is 5 below and is cloudy or dark will you still have enough power reserve to run a wood furnace, fan, and well pump?

  • 5 years of buying diesel fuel for your refined fuel standby generator will pay for your Steamgen unit

  • Will spare parts be available for that special, high-tech widget? Replacement parts for the componets on your Steamgen unit are available locally.

Steam products are built to last for 20 years with what little maintenance done by the average mechanic. To work in adverse conditions on bulk fuels readily available.

Information pages
(PDF files)
General information
Steam formula
Tecnical properties
Charachteristics of woods

Your source for Steam Power...
SteamGen 9010 E.28th St. / Tulsa, OK 74129 / 918-520-7711 / Email: