email me: steamr0ller at yahoo dot com
I'm a freelance thinker, armchair philosopher, rabid reader, music geek, time-waster and malcontent. Most of the time I keep to myself, but like many people I feel a need for a public forum in which I can express myself. All hail the internet! Any two-bit moron who can use a computer now has the opportunity to broadcast whatever ravings they care to spout! With this in mind, I have undertaken to create a website serving no purpose but self-gratification. In essence, this is a vanity page- someplace where I can present myself as I please and maybe entertain whoever stumbles upon it. |
Biographical information - a not-short-enough history of me.
old bio - my first bio page, with lotsa random links.
old index - my initial stab at a front page, made mostly with the geocities javascript editing tool.
Books - what I'm reading, and what I like. updated 02 mar 2002
Blog - what a load of crap. updated 05 april 2002.
Music - I like all kinds of it, and here's where I write about it.
Photos - boy plus digital camera equals wasted time and space.
photos 2- the latest set of pics, from a short walk in the woods i took on Feb 21.
i am .
send me a message any time, i'm probably bored!
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