Welcome to the Unofficial Stebbins Hall
Website! This website was created to help alumni and friends of Stebbins connect with each other and share their memories and to act as a repository for Stebbins history. December 8, 2002 If you would like to share your contact info, please send an email to webmaster@stebbinshall.com. If you would like to see other alum's contact info or if you would like to view old House Lists or Study Room wall quotes (circa 1984), click on the "Connecting" link at the top of the page for info on joining the Stebbins Hall Yahoo Group. This Group is very much a work in progress and we are looking for volunteers to type up some of the old House Lists and Study Room quotes. August 19, 2002 Please feel free to send comments and suggestions to webmaster@stebbinshall.com. Hits since 8/19/02