Pushin' All The Right Buttons
The song lyrics below were written as I observed a transition unfolding in the life of a friend. As so often happens, these words were a resonant reflection of changes occurring in my own life.
"DOUBLE CLICKED"               ©Glenn Gardner 1998

In focused solitude he sits
Staring at the screen
Reaching for connection with
The lines and in between.

Chorus  He clicks and rolls down
              Then back up, left, then right.
               Oh where is the flash
               On this dark lonely night?

Scrolling text by click of mouse;
Waiting for response-
The icon jumps and twitches bright
Now, this is what he wants !

The radar's echo bounces back;
So, someone's really there.
He bared his soul to all the world;
Now, let's see if they care.

Again he sits in solitude
Staring at the screen.
The wrist is still, the finger poised,
Brave heart will yet be seen.
Cybernetics is defined as the "science of systems of control and communications in animals and machines." "Cyber space" has become a virtual world that has displaced significant portions of the real world for many of us in this new millenium. I believe it has wrested  control from many individual's personal lives as well as degenerating meaningful interpersonal communication. There is a real individual at the other end of this page, every bit as real as you, striving to share something significant.
Sound clips in production
I'm Pullin' For You
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My usual home away from home
Put the squeeze on the squeezer
Name: Glenn Gardner
The flexible instrumentalist
Email: steed503@yahoo.ca