Or another name would be 'Pie Haters Annonymous

CHARACTERS: Cyclops, Wolverine, Cannonball, Storm, Pheonix, "Mustang" (in Wolverine); Marrow, Iceman, Dr. Reyes, Sabra, Detective Jones (in X-Men); Cable, Calliban (Cable); Chamber, Husk, Skin, M, Jubilee, "Diara", Penance, Banshee, White Queen (In Generation X); Senetor Kelly, Bolivar Trask, J Jonah Jameson (Uncanny X-Men); Prime Sentinals, Bastion (All).

SET UP:: After the X-Men foil a plot by Mr. Sinister to mutate a train full of passangers, the video evidence is taken by some shadowed man named Basion. Later, the same man holds a confrence in Washington, DC, and dipite being immune to psi-scans, is able to single-out Gambit and Pheonix. The same man shoots a Daily Bugle reporter when he gets too close to Graydon Creed's origin and connection to Operation: Zero Tolerance. He also captures Jubilee while saving her from Mondo and Black Tom Cassidy. After ONSLAUGHT, the Bugle makes O:ZT it's main hate story, and as the X-Men arive home from China, they are attacked by an airship...

STORY: Cyclops and his team are taken out by Prime sentinals while Bastion invades thier home, with Calliban (who's sick) as the lone occupant. Gen X Mananges to get to Los Angeles, only to be attacked by Sentinals there. Jubilee fought with Bastion philisophicaly while he played head games with her, and Iceman went off to save Dr. Cecilia Reyes from harm.

X-Men go bye-bye

In X-Men, Iceman and Cecilia battle for thier lives against the prime sentinals, escaping from the hospital. They wind up in SoHo looking for backup, with no avail. They are attacked by Warren's friend, who turned out to be a prime sentinal, only to be saved by Detective Jones, Warren's Ex. She takes the two to a holding center for safety, where they are attacked again durring a blackout. Detective Jones risks her life to save them, reveiling that Bastion had taken her son. The two are joined by Marrow, who'd caused the blackout...

Over in Wolverine, The X-Men are taken as Professor X watches via holo-monitor as bastion laughs at him, all while trading insults. The X-Men overcome thier injuries, and manage to escape when Jubilee, Bastion's captive, opens the blast door from the control panel. The X-Men make haste, only to find a trailor camp with a blind man. The blind man (Calling himself Mustang) helps the X-Men avoid capture. He reveiles that he and those like him have been getting surgery from a Doctor Prospro, (who, unknown to anyone, has been maing them into prime sentinals!)...

Cable in the meantime fought his way into the X-mansion to prevent Bastion from retreiving Xaviers files and to save Caliban. He was able to get Caliban out, but when he got back in, Bastion already had downloaded Xaviers files and was decrypting them at his base. He threatened to harm Cable's Great-Grandparents up in Alaska, having already seen Cable's file and knowing everything about him...

Over In Gen X, The kids hang at Skin's friend's house, but are betrayed by Skin's ex-girlfriend Tores. Tores's Gang and Gen X lead the Sentinals through the sewers and finaly make a stand back at G's. There, they ambush the sentinals... Meanwhile, Banshee, Emma, and Penance run from Bastion's agents...

Back in X-Men, Iceman, Cecilia, and Marrow fight thier way out of the precinct house ("That's a jail, dumb-butt!"), only to get ambushed by a whole army. A building collapses on everyone, and Sabra (an Isreali super-soilder) saves the three mutants from the rubble, informing them that she knows the location of Timmy Jones and Bastion's weakeness, so the four head out to Connecticut...

In Gen X, the kids manage to defeat the prime sentinals, but at a price. M's powers stretch to the limit, resulting in her becoming two small girls. Er, waitasec... Anyway, Emplate tries to make a deal with Emma and Banshee. He'll tell them where the kids are, but they have to trade Pennance to him. As Emma seems to agree, Banshee punches her out and tells Emplate off. Meanwhile, the robot-girl Diara helps Jubilee escape from the compound, but sacrifices her life so Jube can escape...

Over in Wolverine, the X-Men try and break up Bastion's operation, but end up fighting civilians who are half-sentinal already. Once they reach the "clinic" however, Wolverine runs off for no apparent reason. He returns a while later, piggy-backing Jubilee, having saved her from a prime sentinal. The X-men and civilians search the base only to find it abandon. Bastion then activates another Prime sentinal from remote, Mustang. Wolverine talks Mustang into fighting his programming. Mustang is able, but not for long. The X-men escape, and the building collapses. However, OZT's remaining forces head thier way, and just as the X-men prepair for a fight, S.H.I.E.L.D. interviens. However, bastion is nowhere to ve found, and so the X-Men steal a Hovercraft to head home, only to find out that Scott has a bomb in his chest!

Again, back in X-Men, Iceman, Dr.Reyes, Marrow and Sabra reach thier destination, a mansion by the ocean. It's a trap, and the mutants find themselves overwhelmed. However, after trading blows and insults, Iceman offers to surrender himself just to prove to Bastion that he's not human. As Bastion apparently is about to give the order to fire, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents emerge, forcing Bastion to stand down.

Oh, nice floor...

THE NEXT DAY: The X-Men reconvine at the mansion (Bishop and Gambit are missing). However, stripped of recourses, they have to pull together to get a bomb out of Scott's chest. Dr.Reye's medical knowledge pulls the team together, but then Juggernaught attacks, making a LEGAL claim on Xavier's fortune. However, seeing the X-Men weakened, he decides to do it the usual way, but Joseph, Beast, Rogue and Maggot intervene. Between Beast's, Wolverine's, and Cecilia's knowlegde, they remove the bomb, Maggott disposes of it.

RAMIFICATIONS:Well, There may still be more prime sentinals out there. The Professor saw some screen time, and a strain is put on Banshee and Emma's working relationship. And yeah, The X-Men have three new members, but were COMPLETLY stripped of equipment (even the wallpaper was gone!). And if we know marvel, they'll bring Bastion back in a year or two to kick around the X-Men again...

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