Born: 02/18/01
at: 2:40 A.M.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Height: 18.25 in.
Weight: 6.2 lbs.
Makkiah Alan
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In the basket we use for Thanksgiving decorations.
In the ball pit at Chuck E.Cheese
Sitting up for the first time at four months.
That's some GOOD ice-cream.  Thanks Ahma!!
Dancing at the Above Rubies retreat.  Summer 2002
At the Above Rubies Retreat in Pine Valley CA Summer 2002
Christmas 2004
January 2005
Taniyah holding Makkiah's hand.
4th Birthday.  He had a Ninja Turtle cake!
This is Makkiah's Easter basket.  He got to the candy before I got to the camera!!
January 2005