Welcome to Stefani's Page
This is a page of various things.  I have a collection of quotes, info about me, links to fun and informative sites, and some other stuff!  Hope you enjoy the site!

Feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions :)
Where to find me:
AIM: RedDragonTH or StefaniOSU   MSN: stefani45240@hotmail.com
Email: powell.343@osu.edu
Capital CK + Ohio State CK + Ohio Wesleyan CK = The Best Division Ever!!!

03-04 Ohio State University Circle K Club President
04-05 Capital Division Lieutenant Governor
Ohio District Circle K International

**Circle K meetings: 7:30pm, Tuesdays, Ohio Gray Suite G

Thank you to the members of Ohio State University Circle K!! It was an awesome year!!! :)
I scored a 53% on the "How Cincinnati are you?" Quzzie... What about you??
On AIM, somehow I'm the blushing/ashamed smilie... Anyway, which smilie are you?
My Links:
About Me        My PhotoSite        My Xanga        My Facebook        Lots of Links

Education      Humor      Inspirational      Leadership
Love      Random      Religion      Service/Volunteering
**I apologize if you are in any way, shape, or form offended by these quotes. They are all in fun. If you do not like them, do not read them.

Also, sorry if the same quotes are on different pages!

Yay for winter break!
December 17-29: Cincinnati with family
December 29-31: Windsor, Ontario, Canada! (Want to go?)
December 31: Back to Columbus for New Years!
Merry Christmas!!!

Happy New Year!!!