Dictionary Definitions
1) Sexism: the economic explotion and social domination of members of one sex by the other.

Sexist: drscriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of a mans attitude toward women) 2. a man with a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women.

Goth: any member of a Germanic people that invaded and conquered most of the Roman Empire in the 3rd, 4th and 5th centuries A.D. 2. an uncouth, uncivilized person; barbarian.

Gothic: One of the Goths or their language 2. Designating or related to a 12th and 16th centuries and characterized by the use of ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, pointed arches, steep high cliffs etc. 3. a. medival b. not classical c. barbarous uncivilized 4. of or in a style of literature horror and mystery.

Forsaken: abandoned; desolate; forlorn.

Abyss: a deep fissure in the earth; bottomless gulf; chasm 2. anything too deep for measurement; profound depth 3. the ocean depths 4. the priminal void of chaos before creation.

Avalanche:  a mass of loosened snow, earth, rocks etc.; suddenly and swiftly slidin down a mountain often growing as it descends 2. something that come suddenly in overwhelming number.

Apocalypse: any of various Jewish and Christian pseudonymous writing depicting sybolically the ultimate destruction of evil and the triumph of god.

Gigolo: a man who is paid to be a dancing partner or escort for women 2. a man who is a lover of a women, often a prostitute and is supported by her.

Prostitute: to sell the services of (oneself or another) for purposes of sexual intercourse 2. to sell (oneslf, ones artisical or moral integrity) for low unworthy purposes.