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The Easter Bunny
Holiday animals rarely have a permanent home. Puppies and kittens are popular to be brought by Santa while bunnies and chicks seem to be left behind by the famous Easter Bunny every year.
The Easter Bunny and Santa both have a lot to learn about the family's that get these pets and the pets that are left behind as well. They seem to leave them in homes that they don't fit well in and therefor 90% of them end up abandoned at the pound or rescues or are left on the side of the road in the first year of their life.
They quickly out live there purpose as the easter mourning surprise, especially when there is work involved. They do have to eat and drink every day, They need to play and they will chew and go to the bathroom. They smell when kept up and even more when not kept up. They thump at night if they are upset and as a pet they will need to see the vet. Looking for a good bunny vet is an adventure in itself as you have to take him/her to a special vet if you plan to keep your bunny for long. Spay and neuter can cost around $100.** give or take a little and if this is not done, they will be aggressive and not as fun to have. They do have nails that are sharp and need to be trimmed. You must learn how to properly hold your bunny or they can do damage to you. I have seen people have to get stitches before because a bunny suddenly went wild in their arms for what ever reason. They have to be socialized or they are to fearful for you to take them anywhere. Though some are, most are not cuddle bunnies.
Do you think that it would be fun to see your child's face light up when s/he sees that cute little bunny in the easter basket and then in about a week you can find a good home for it?
That's what everyone else thought too. You may not be able to make out any bunnies in this pic but pounds put down many bunnies every year with 90% of the easter bunnies being abandoned in the first year of their life. Snakes eat many puppies, kittens and BUNNIES in "Free to good home" ads, so this attempt at finding a good home will most likely fail. A bunny will live for 10 to 15 years making this a commitment and it is hard to find someone who is willing to love a bunny for that long. They are only cute little babies for about 2 months, what about the other 15 years of their life? They have feelings and they do care about what happens to them, even if you don't.
One mistake that parents make every year is that they think that a child is going to take care of this little bunny. It doesn't belong to the parents and they don't want to take care of them. WAKE UP CALL! The bunny and any animal in the home does really belong to the parents too and it is their responsibility to be sure the bunny is taken care of. It is actually harder to make a child take care of the animal than it is to just do it yourself.
The second mistake that parents make is they think that this bunny will teach their child responsibility. WAKE UP CALL AGAIN! Parents teach responsibility not animals! When the child no longer wants to take care of the rabbit and the parents don't want to either, they get rid of it. They teach the children that if you don't want to take care of responsibilities then you just get rid of it and you don't have to be responsible for it. What should be done is that the animal is cared for anyway and I don't mean just feeding, watering and clean up. I mean playing and loving the animal too. Teach the children that a pet is a commitment and has to be taken care of even when you don't want to do it. Let the children go with out something and tell them "Oh, I just didn't feel like make breakfast this mourning, just like you didn't feel like feeding Blacky last night."
Please evaluate your family and your situation and think about whether or not you really are ready for this kind of commitment. If you decide that it was really just the fun of having an easter bunny that mourning that made you think of getting one without any further thought of the needs of the bunny, get a STUFFED bunny, that is really the perfect easter bunny.
If you still think that you would like to have an easter bunny and you are ready to take full time care of him/her, please read the links above this link about pet stores, pounds and rescues and about the right rabbitry to buy from. Please do not support bunny mills. Help put mills out of business.
Easter is every bunnies worst nightmare. It means destruction, horror and death. If you know anyone who is wanting to get an easter bunny for the kids or ANY animal for ANY holiday, PLEASE tell them it isn't a good idea and why. Tell them to take a look at this page and find any and all information on the animal that they want to get and then ask them to decide if this is really what they want in their life. Even the "free" give away animals are not really free as they cost money to take care of on a daily basis and more money should they need to see a vet and need shots and tags.
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