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Looking for a good bunny vet?
A good bunny vet is so very important! So many vets don't know a lot about our wonderful bunny. Many vets won't tell you that they don't have a lot of education in this area simply because they don't want to lose money by sending you to a vet that does know what they are doing. They are putting your precious bunnies life at risk when doing this. If any vet says "It can't be much different from a cat or dog...." turn tail and run with a tight hold onto your bun! After all, you wouldn't take your child to a monkey doctor that said "Well, little Suzy can't be that much different from the chimps." would you? Rabbits are very much different from a dog, cat or any other animal. Any vet who doesn't know this is more likely to be fatal to your bun. There are sites that list bunny vets because of the high rate of bunny deaths due to lack of bunny knowledge and I have listed some of them below. If there is a bunny vet list site that I don't have listed, please e-mail it to me at title it, vets sites. Thank you.
Rabbit vets by state and country
House Rabbit Society's vets page