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Jimenez, Betty. "JK Biography"2002. Essrtment. Pagewise. December11,2005. <http://gaga.essortment.com/jkrowlingbiogr_reak.htm> "J.K. Rowling.". A Wikimedia Project 29 January 2006. Wikipedia. 29 January 2006. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._K.Rowling> "Magic realism." A Wikimedia Project. 27 January 2006. Wilipedia. 29 January 2006. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_realism> "Fantasy." A Wikimedia Project. 27 January 2006. Wikipedia. 29 January 2006. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy> "Reception" A Wikimedia Project. 22 May 2006. Wikimedia. 22 May 2006 <hhtp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter#Literary_Criticism> Taylor, Charles. "A.S. Byatt and the goblet of bile" 8 June 2003. Salon.com. 22 May2006. <http://archive.salon.com/books/feature/2003/07/88/byatt_Rowling/index_np.html> |