Historical Moments of All My Site
[mungkin tepatnya koleksi karya-karya gagal stella hermawan]


http://www.oocities.org/hi_stella [stella's anime site]
+ this is my first webbies, i made it since i am grade 7 until grade 8
+ at grade 8 i stop upadating that site because geocities doesn't provide free ftp anymore
+ the biggest site that i ever made with full of contents
+ i do large hard work at this site, that time the first time i know html experimenting in frontpage
+ the messiest site with bad css configuration [that time i still don't know much about css]

http://www.oocities.org/polariez [polariez v.3]
+ my first flash webbies,
i made it between grade 8-9 at school holidays
+ i got inspiration from ms. martha class [computer] that the first time taught me about flash
+ also i instereted in flash because her project in making greeting card, i learn a lot
+ you can view my bad designed greeting card here with help of Raissa[desain kampuunnng! hate that]
+ dedicated for someone erm.. maybe you can see from the poems there
+ you can see polariezv.1 and polariez v.2 also polariezart that i made with amanda [better u don't see, too bad]
+ i think there is nomore polariez v.4, because polariez already died

http://www.oocities.org/stella_hermawan/indexcc1.htm [crystallcave v.1]
+ the second flash webbies made it a month after the first one above
+ finnally i know that this kind of this design was very bad [kampungaann, ga profesional!]
+ actually dedicated for someone

http://www.oocities.org/stella_hermawan/indexcc2.htm [crystallcave v.2]
+ the fourth webbies [eh? where is the third then? oh damn! its so bad, you can't view it unless you asked me]
+actually the third was is "karya benar-benar gagal" better not to view it

http://eightfour.port5.com [eightfour]
+ o yeah dedicated to my class, i made it after a few month in grade 9
+ since they don't gave the contents, i can't start working
+ yeah this is the type of "underconstruction" for lazy person like me

http://crystall.port5.com/index2.htm [bleu` world v.2]
+ the first html site that i desingned by myself [not as easy as template like the older one] using dreamweaver
+ i made it at grade nine quarter one, so bad
+ yeah, so bad, too blue, make my eye blind easily
+ at least i can learn a lot from here to not make webbies with the light colour
+ i will not update this because i forgot the password for the ftp site and the lost password gen doesn't work

http://www.oocities.org/subaru1310 [yorunokaze]
+ made it at grade 9, dedicated to jane [she ask me]
+ third html site yeah, about subaru, actually this is blogger


The other "karya-karya gagal" that had not been published yet:

small flash animation for my biodata
+ easy to made, just working for about thirty minutes
+ made at grade 9

little flash intro
+ so bad
+ can be said as plagiarism at roy's dreamscocker [uda gitu jauh lebih jelek lagi]
+ made at grade 9


still working on: Crystall Cave v.3 .... [about a month or so]
[you still can view the sample - the front page]


note: actually this is my secret personal collection site, too shame if someone open it and figure out
that my design was fool because that's too bad too see


© Copyrighted Stella Hermawan 2003 [stella_hermawan@yahoo.com]
Do not at any circumstance contact me if you don't need. I really hate spammers.