Name: Janet Seu a.k.a "Baby J"

Birthday: June 23, 1985

Sibling: Crystal

Currently living in...Maryland =(

Status: Taken (guy in the pic!)

Hobbies: HAVING FUN, dancing, nrb, and other "interesting" things...

[CuRrEnT] "Exciting moments": Throwing things out of the windows of cars, punching "someone"...etc...

***Hey Janet!! I miss you!! I hope you're doing ok in Maryland. I'm glad that you're trying harder in school :) Even though we're like 100000 miles apart, I still consider you as one of my best friends! I LUB YOU!! I'll never forget our memories: Scratching backs, "like totally in the ghetto!!", our [past midnite] snacks, Alex's supra! hahhaha, our NY incident! hahahah..omg *crankinesss*, etc...***