Links to other Sites

IMDb The Internet Movie Database, as it is called, has stats and info and all your favorite cartoons, tv shows, movies, etc. including cast lists.  
Quick Kick's Theatre Neat! A really awesome GI Joe site that also happens to have Sectaurs Commercials for you to download and view. 

This is cool. Know the great art work you see in the Style Guide Section. I believe the drawings were done by Neal Adams (who has done a great deal of wonderful art work for many different series, including X-Men). Click on the picture at the left to go to his official site.
ebay If it weren't for ebay, I wouldn't have most of the material that makes this site possible. There are always Sectaurs Action Figures (MIB), comics, books, and other rarities on their site. Just pop Sectaurs in the search box and go.
Mile High Comics This is where I got all 8 issues of Marvel's Sectaurs.  They have a listing for back issues of the Marvel series and a Sectaurs hardcover book. I originally had a link set up for, the site owned by Zadoc Angell and Busta Toons. With the new HeMan series on Cartoon Network, their site is merging with to become one huge site. Way out, fantastic!
Katie's Site This is a site owned by the incredible Katie. She has a site dedicated to 80's toy commercials. See your favorites here.
Marvel Comics Visit the home of the people who brought us the comic series, the mini-comics, and some of the books.
