Gun Fight at the Lone Star Bank
The mission for Player 1, Figures A, B, C and D is to take the bank to the Southeast and clear out the bank robber Figures in the area. On the first turn, Figure A spots Figure E near the building; the Leader figure makes a successful communication roll. All other Figures in the posse now know the location of Figure E.
Situation Map
Player 1 decides to fire and then move Figure A, measuring the distance to find that it is medium range. Figure A fires four rounds from his Winchester rifle. The Player must roll a 14 with the d20 to hit the gang member. Figure A has three successful hits from the rifle, then Figure A rushes into the merchant building.
Player 2 now rolls for the saving throw from the enemy weapons fire; the saves for the Rifles are 15. The results are two wounds on the figure and one saved from the hits. The Player must now roll for the random hit chart to see the results from the wounds received. The Player rolls for each wound and allocates the wound to the specific figure; remember that a Figure can receive more than one wound. The results are that the figure received mortal wounds and are removed from play.
Player 2 now elects to activate Figure F in hope of using his leader figure in spotting the oncoming posse members. He spots several of the posse members lurking in the T-bone bar, and lets his gang know of their location with a +15 on a d20 for the communication die roll. The leader figure pulls up his long barreled scattergun at takes aim at the nearest figure and fires both barrels loaded with OO buckshot. The Player measures the distance to find that he needs a 14 for the scattergun and rolls a 14 and a 19 scoring two hits on the figure near the door. Player 1 rolls for the effect from the scattergun on his hapless figure as the leader figure drops prone.
Player 1 activates Figure B and fires at Figure E with four shots from his Winchester rifle, the Figure must roll a 17 to hit Figure D with the Winchester rifle because the target is prone and he rolls a 4, 8, 10 and 14 with the Winchester rifle. The weapons fire is ineffective and the figure ducks behind the wall.
Player 2 now elects to activate Figure G and use Hip Shooting movement action; the Figure rushes forward 8” and drops prone behind a wood pile. The Player Hip Shooting fire would normally happen during the middle of the Figure’s G movement. The Figure didn’t have a legal target until they entered the alleyway, so that is when the Figures fire takes place, and then fires two rounds at Figure A in the building; causing one hit.
The Figure needed an 18 To-Hit with the Winchester rifle and rolls a 15 and 18, to hit the Figure A in the building.
Player 1 must now roll a Saving Throw for the hit on Figure A. Figure A has, Hard Cover +3 modifier from the hit to the Figures die roll. The Figures must roll a 12 or better To-Save from the hit; the Player rolls a natural 20 and saves. The Figure that saved with the natural 20 has a free action to use, which is a fire/ or move action, and is now considered an elite Leader.
The Player decides to return fire back at Figure F with two rounds from the Winchester rifle and needs a 15 To-Hit Figure F in the prone position. This is because of the –3 for the medium range, -2 for Figure F being in the Prone Position, and a + 2 for now being elite status. Both shots miss their target for no effect.
Player 1 now elects to move Figure C into the building to provide Hard Cover from the enemy and then fires at Figure F behind the wood pile in the prone position to the front. Figure C needs a 15 from the Winchester rifle To-Hit Figure F in the Prone Position. The Figure has two hits from the Winchester rifle by rolling a 20 and 15 on a d20.
Player 2 now Rolls the Saving Throws and has two failed saves and now rolls for the random hits to find out if the figure will die from the weapons fire. The Player rolls a two and a 12, which means two different results, which are a no effect and medium wound from the weapons fire.
The Player must make a Suppression Roll from the weapons fire and the wounds; Figure F rolls a five and fails and may not move until the suppression is removed the next turn.
Player 2 now elects to run Figure E forward, and throw a lighted stick of dynamite at Figure B. Figure F has to roll a 16 for the dynamite to land on target, and rolls a 2 which causes the stick of dynamite to scatter off target. Player 2 rolls a d12 for the direction of the scatted dynamite and then rolls a second time to find the distance it scatted and rolls a 2 and it still hits Figure B.
Player 1 must now roll Saving Throw for the hit on Figure B; the Figure suffers two hits from the blast that hit the target. This may cause Figure B to be eliminated, but the casualties’ results are randomized.
Figure B had multiple hits from all of the dynamite shrapnel that were on target. The Player then tallies up the number of possible hits from all of the Blast Templates, and roll for the number of dice necessary for a KIA results and the figure is removed.