Sten's Place

Welcome to Sten's Place!

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Well, you've made it to Sten's Place, a bastion of insanity in this all too normal, sedate world. Things are in the process of changing here, so look for book & movie reviews, not to mention my opinionated bluster on every matter under the sun.

This site is currently under construction, so please pardon my dust, and if what you're looking for isn't here, email me and yell about my laziness, and then check back in a few to see what's happening. Excelsior!

Note: Despite the fact that I've had a guestbook on this site for nearly a decade, I have recently disabled it, due to the fact that a bunch of Viagra shilling a-holes took it over for their purposes. The stupidest thing about all of this is that their stuff never even showed up!!! I had my guestbook set so that I had to approve every submission before it appeared in the guestbook, & these freaking wastes of sperm STILL tried to post. Nothing ever showed up on the site, so no traffic was directed to THEIR site, but frankly, I'm tired of having to come here to weed out the BS from the good stuff. Sorry, those of you who care.


Yes, I took this pic of Shemp one balmy day back in . . . okay okay, from!

Better Places to Be Than Here:

All Things Stooge

The Photo Gallery

Bored out of Your Mind? Try this . . .

Read About the Birth of Yippie!

Full, Stolen Text of Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book"

Clearing Marie Antionette

Create Your Own Disorder in the Court--Legally

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