
 Stephen & Sandra Brauning & family Serving with

 DMG 13923 7990 15th St. East Christian Reformed World Missions

        Sarasota, FL 34243 In the Dominican Republic

    Phones: Home 809-530-9008 E-Mail:

    Office: 565-9601

         May 25 2006 Santo Domingo



The Spirit is still moving today! In Acts chapter two we read about that Pentecost day nearly two thousand years ago, when the Holy Spirit was poured out, Peter preached, and three thousand were converted. They were the “First Fruits” of the world-wide movement that Jesus came to establish. Following are a few stories of the Spirit’s movement here in the Dominican Republic:


Bernardino, 24 years old, is the son of retired Pastor Bernardo Wilson, and is in training to become pastor of the Christian Reformed Church in Luisa Blanca, Monte Plata zone. He is also a member of the national Christian Reformed Youth board, and last year married Andoulous Baptiste, from the CRC in San Pedro. Bernardino attended an Evangelism Explosion Clinic in 2004 as part of the church growth program with which Steve works. Andoulous had been trained in “E.E.” in her local church. They recently completed a training semester with six young men in the predominately Haitian congregation. Steve acted as assistant trainer and advisor, traveling to the rural church a few times a month. Through the ministry, several individuals and families have converted and joined the church. They are now preparing the start a new semester with ten new trainees! Bernardino and Andoulous are examples of how the Spirit moves and brings salvation where ever He goes!


Domingo Rodriguez is pastor of the Christian Reformed congregation where our family attends. He also is coordinator of the denominational Church growth ministry. More than an able leader and administrator, he is an avid practitioner. Our church is in growth mode right now, as a number of young people in the community have come to know the Lord through various church ministries. Pastor Domingo has been effective in leading small group evangelistic Bible studies, using a booklet that Steve prepared based on the Gospel of John. “Proyecto Juan”, as we call it, is being used by many Christian Reformed Churches around the country. This past month, ten young people from the community received certificates and New Testaments at a special service at our church, in recognition of their participation. They are all un-churched, but through this outreach, they have heard the Gospel and beginning to experience what it means to be part of the Family of God. Two of them, Loami and Carolina, have prayed to receive Christ in their lives and are joining the new members class preparing for baptism. Pastor Domingo is another example of the Spirit’s moving as he effectively reaches these young people.



The dates are rapidly approaching for our Home Service. We will be arriving in the US in late July and spending a month running around between New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Iowa, before settling in New Jersey from Sept. though December.

We look forward to sharing the vision of missions in our partner churches, as well as enjoying the company of family and friends.



Praise the Lord with us for the movement of His Spirit here, for the life-changing power of His Gospel, for those who have been redeemed, and for those who are serving in the church here as channels of His Spirit and Grace, like Bernardino and Domingo.


Please pray that the Holy Spirit would change the hearts of those who have heard the Gospel. Also, that Evangelism Explosion and Proyecto Juan would continue to have an impact while we are gone on Home Service as other faithful ministers carry on.


We praise the Lord for the successful work team visit from Faith Community Christian Reformed Church, and the progress on the pastor’s house. The team had some setbacks with weather and materials, mainly because of the MUD! But after the team left, Steve participated with a “local” work team that was able to complete the roof.


Pray for Steve as he travels to Cuba (May 26- June 4) to participate in consultations with the Christian Reformed Church there. We hope to improve how CRWM assists that denomination in church growth and education, and to foment “cross-pollination” between Latin American Christian Reformed denominations.


Thanks and May the Lord bless.


Steve, Sandra, Jesse, Rebecca, Hannah and Mark Brauning