Garden bird log for Longniddry, Lothian

This is a log of the more interesting species seen and heard in, and flying over, a small garden on Douglas Road, Longniddry, Lothian, Scotland (map), since August 2004. The garden is in an estate within 500m of the sea - Firth of Forth. Unfortunately there is no view out to the sea, or indeed anywhere beyond the neighbouring houses in the estate, making in much harder to build up a decent garden list!

Annotated species list Detailed records (spreadsheet)


Curlew over on 25 July.

Good Swift movement on 24 July with 110 past in 15 mins from 18:30hrs, just as a band of rain was moving N. Common Crossbill SW over in the morning.

First Swift back late on 9 May.

At 11:49hrs on 2 May a lanky large falcon sp. flew over SW, banking to reveal brown upperparts; possibly just a large f juv Peregrine; no local reports of Saker (national records Yorks mid-Apr and Wigton D&G 10 May).

pr Mallard rose from nearby (but tiny) Wemyss burn at dusk on 13 April, 2nd record.

Willow Warbler in song from Wemyss burn area 11 April.

2 House Martins back on 9 April.

First Swallow SW over on 5 April.

Grey Heron dodging pursuing gulls and crows, weaving between houses on 7 February.

Long-tailed Tits briefly at feeder 3rd wk Jan.

Great Blackback over with morning gull passage 2nd wk Jan.


7 Waxwings low SW over on 19 November, with many on the move at present.

A Swallow feeding over on 2 November followed a local report of 3 on 31 October. Seen later nearby over Longniddry Bents - ad f + 2 juv on 14 November, but not subsequently.

Peregrine S over early on 30 October.

Several missed opportunities early Oct - white goose/swan very high S over on 3rd, flock c. 40 duck sp. (Mallard/Wigeon?) over to N on 9th and a wader sp. with erratic flight over SW on 11th, perhaps Snipe - all naked eye views.

A Common Crossbill SW over on 4 October, with noisy Tawny Owl on 9 October.

2 Sandwich Tern over at 21:25hrs on 14 September.

A Hobby cruised over SW at 15:45hrs on 13 September, species 86.

A Common Crossbill went SW over on 27 August.

First signs of Sandwich Tern movement at 22:25hrs on 13 August; also a movement of 40+ Swifts SW at 18:42hrs same evening, before a shower, with some returning NE later.

Ragged Buzzard over on 8 August.

Redshank over 02:44hrs on 28 July.

Early morning on 27 July, a Helmetted Guineafowl was heard calling from the area of Forthview Road; one (pied variety) had been seen the previous day in Kitchener Crescent, a presumed escape from Longniddry Farm on the other side of the railway line. Another party of Common Crossbills went over very high SW at midday.

In early hours of 27 July - waders moving during the night, including Common Sandpiper; a noisy family of Tawny Owls moved through the neighbourhood; best of all, the screeching call of a Barn Owl was heard nearby at 02:08hrs, species 85. At 200m from the edge of the village (golf course to N) this was a little surprising, but have suspected this species previously.

Great Spotted Woodpecker on 22 and 26 July.

4 Greylag Geese low NE at 19:00hrs on 16 July.

First Golden Plover back on 12 July, just after midnight.

Redpoll in song over on 3 July.

A dark long-tailed falcon sp. cruised over NE on evening of 15 May, one that got away! 8 Swifts feeding over the same evening was the biggest gathering this spring.

Pr Linnet fed on weeds at end of drive, 14 May.

Noisy Tawny Owl nearby on 10 May.

A Dunlin was heard moving NE over at 23:15hrs on damp evening of 7 May.

First juv Blackbird just fledged on 7 May, a couple of weeks latter than usual.

A pair of Wood Warblers were found 400m west on 4 May, just out of ear shot for the garden list; they'd gone the following day, to be replaced by a Garden Warbler.

House Martins back late on 28 April, visiting last year's nest the next day.

Jan-Mar highlight was again wonderful morning display flights from male Sparrowhawk. Our male Blackbird is new this year, with an unusual song.


A small duck was seen over E on 22 December, and a Cormorant W the next day.

A single Common Crossbill flew over low SW on 28 November, with a Tawny Owl hooting nearby in the evening.

2 Redshank over c. 23:00hrs on 20 November.

Pair Sparrowhawk over 18 November.

4 Whooper Swans flew over ENE on 10 October (species 84); later, 16 adults were found at East Fenton, about 5 miles E.

In drizzle on evening of 9 October, a good passage of Redwings was heard between 21:30 and 01:30hrs, 19 singles/groups, peaking after midnight when call frequency was less than 10 minutes. Also, Golden Plovers.

Redwing over on evening of 27 September, 2 weeks earlier than last year (but 1000's on the move in northern England).

Male Sparrowhawk in full display flight overhead on mild morning of 24 September.

Geese heard over in early hours of 13 September may have been returning Pinkfeet but sounded more like Canada Goose.

Golden Plovers over 00:00hrs, 00:25hrs on 12 September.

On 10 September a Blue Tit flew, alone, to roost into a crack behind vertically-hanging slates adjacent to our bathroom window at 19:15hrs - 30 mins to sunset on a warm evening. Have noticed this roost in use previously, but it is a winter roost type - summer roosts are in foliage.

Cheating, viewing with scope throo a small gap which had opened in the trees to N (heavy apples), added Gannet to the list on 1 September (species 83).

First Mipit S on 26 August.

Rare sighting of a Kestrel on 25 August, 8th record.

Up to 3 Tawny Owls very vocal week of 19 August, including juv hunger calling.

Common Sandpiper over at 21:50hrs on 19 August. Have now uploaded a summary spreadsheet on nocturnal migrant records over the garden (2004 to date).

A probable Canada Goose heard at midnight on 18 August. Also various other calls, including distant Sandwich Tern and Tawny hooting.

A good day on 14 August, with 51 Swifts high over in the morning, House Martins attending nest in Douglas Crescent after colony apparently deserted earlier, and 1500 mainly small gulls N over to coast before heavy rain late afternoon - an ad-win Mediterranean Gull with them would have been a garden tick; however, that came later with a Whimbrel calling over in continuing rain at 23:32hrs, followed by a Common Sandpiper at 23:44hrs! (species 80 & 81). By midnight, two more noisy Whimbrel, including one low over the house, and Ringed Plover, amongst other waders. Bar-tailed Godwit followed at 00:20hrs (species 82). Another Common Sandpiper followed at 01:13hrs, circling.

At dawn on 11 August Sandwich Tern and Curlew calling over.

First proper autumn wader was a (probable!) Redshank over 02:00hrs on 10 August. Swifts still lingering and a pair of Bullfinch present daily for over a month now (only 3 records in previous 3 years!)

A Common Crossbill SW over on 14 July.

Tawny hooting extensively on evening of 13 July.

2 Curlew high SW early evening 4 July.

On 3 July female Sparrowhawk took a young Blackbird in the garden hedge and a male of the latter species included clear Tawny "kewick kewick" mimicry in full song, 08:45hrs.

On 2 July Collared Dove feeding two young juvs in eucalyptus.

Dispersal movement of 315 Starlings over SW in 4 flocks 20:30-21:00hrs on 20 June.

At 00:47hrs on 1 June a rather liquid and rapid "quic-ic-ic-ic-ic", repeated at 2-3s intervals, with quality of a Quail but on reflection more likely a truncated Whimbrel.

Collared Doves mating on garden fence, 24 May.

One or more Ringed Plover clearly heard calling over to the north at 23:55hrs on 14 May species 79.

Sandwich Tern heard 11 May.

Very intriguing harsh call low over just after midnight on 5 May - a "dag-a-da dak, kak-kak, kak-kak"; reminiscent of a young Grey Heron in tone but not really matching in structure.

Tawnys hooting daily into first wk May, from two directions.

House Martins back over colony 26 April, 3 days later than last year (though two "probables" very high over last wknd).

Willow Warbler in song 26-27 April.

First hirundines back on 21 April, with at least 5 over, all seen well being Swallow SW. Small parties of finches SW included Siskin and Goldfinch, also 3 Mipits. Curlew high N in the evening probably local.

A similar pattern on 16 April, Redshank 21:20hrs, Golden Plover at 22:20hrs; later, at 00:40hrs, two reedy calls "kip-a-kip, kip-a-kip", low over but from a bird clearly moving N, surely another Moorhen! Final Redshank 01:40hrs.

Redshank calling over, 21:30hrs, and Golden Plover at 23:30hrs on 15 April; a high-pitched thin "seeee" call, not Redwing, at 00:12hrs might have been a Common Sandpiper. An individual of the latter was seen the next day at Blindwells a couple of miles west, not present on 15 April.

A good migrant night on evening of 12 April with 4 common waders calling again, and two different calls, a metallic "dzzip" and a reedy "kwep-kwep, kip-a-kip-a-kip-a, kip-a-kip-a-kip-a" at 01:50hrs, latter a presumed Moorhen, species 78! Tawny Owl hooting earlier.

Redshank calling over 21:30hrs and later on 11 April.

2 Greylags NE and Skylark low SW on 7 April.

3 Buzzard (pair and single) and both breeding Sparrowhawks up thermalling a lot on 3 April.

Curlew low over on evening of 2 April, with nocturnal call of Redshank 22:50hrs.

Mipits moving at last on 1 April.

Some movement on 10 March, including 5 Siskin SW.

Golden Plover over NE at 23:00hrs on 7 March.

180+ Herring Gull SW and 120+ Wood Pigeon and one Buzzard over SW on morning commute on 6 March - in the half hour before sunrise. Dead juv male Sparrowhawk found on the lawn at dawn - presumed window strike.

Extended display by Sparrowhawk pair again on 5 March.

First Lesser Blackback back over on 4 March. Magpie active at nest just feet from the Wood Pigeon nest (still sitting).

4 adult Mute Swans over W at 09:45hrs 3 March. Still need Whooper Swan for the garden! Magpie nest-building and Kestrel over (7th record). Steady stream of Herring Gull W all day - presumed returning migrants.

pr Mallard over NE at dusk on 25 February, species 77.

2 Buzzard over were a fine sight, mobbed by crows, and the pigeon was seen going back onto its nest, 4 February. 6 grey geese NE presumably returning Pinkfeet.

Wood Pigeon back on nest high in eucalyptus on 3 February, and 15 Lapwing over S.

A male Sparrowhawk in display flight again on 27 January and 2 February - high in the sky in buoyant flight like a dove, then plunging and slow-flapping.

On 22 January observed an interesting Sparrowhawk social interaction, a pair "patrolling" in level steady flapping, one behind the other, with a further female bird in "slow-flapping" flight nearby and a bit higher. Latter is a distinctive flight action reminiscent of a Lapwing.

Winter peak of 27 House Sparrows at mixed seed 13 January - targeted by female Sparrowhawk which plunged into hedge, clambered up inside hedge, then darted out lightening fast when they flushed; did not see if it got one, but hope it did - have been fattening them up all winter! Same morning 500+ Herring Gull over SW on their commute from coastal roost to urban Edinburgh, accompanied by at least 2 ad Great Blackback.

A fine female Peregrine drifted NE over on 6 January (5th record, and 3rd this winter!)

Redpolls back on New Year's day, 5 of each sort - a joy to watch from the kitchen window!


[Overview of the year 2006

A total of 71 species were logged*, including 8 wader species, with peak weekly count 38 species from 15/10; a good series of Common Tern and Sandwich Tern records, with both detected commencing southward overland migration early autumn; reeling Grasshopper Warbler audible in spring; significant decline in local breeding House Martins (peaks 35, 19 and 10 over last 3 years), though they prospected our house; House Sparrow stable with autumn peak again around 20; Wood Pigeon successfully reared young in garden and nesting into October. Hummingbird Hawkmoth the non-avian highlight, closely followed by Roe Deer, Hedgehog and dragonflies. * missed only Pheasant, Grey Plover, Waxwing, Willow Warbler and Crossbill]

Redpoll sp. again on last day of the year.

35 Golden Plover high S at dusk on 30 December.

Another good day on 29 December with a sawbill duck high S in the morning (probably a Goosander, species 76) and a male Peregrine scuttling past SW in the afternoon.

On 28 December big flappy birds in the morning - Grey Heron, pr ad Great Blackback NW over and 6 Lapwings NE over. Later spotted a flock of 20+ redpolls in nearby birch, mainly Mealies (species 75), but also 4+ Lessers.

Blackbird in full song early hours of 24 December.

A desperate Grey Heron attempting to land nearby chased off by a Herring Gull.

Blackbird in full song 01:45hrs on 19 December.

Robin in song from 01:52hrs (5C) on 16 December.

The Mistle Thrush which appeared mid-Oct has taken a liking to the area and was in song on 6 December (formerly scarce visitor, single record in 2005).

First Fieldfares of autumn were 25 SW on 1 November, rather late.

At 06:05hrs on 30 October some Redshanks went over calling - before dawn and 2 hrs to high tide - presumably a feeding movement.

Great Spotted Woodpecker again on 29 October but very little moving in a couple of hours vis mig in clear weather; a paltry 680 Pinkfeet over NE at dusk again included Barnacle Goose.

c. 4k Pinkfeet SW over on morning of 28 October included at least 2 Barnacle Geese. Also picked up a group of 320 Golden Plover high above the geese flying NE.

Finch and Wood Pigeon movement finally under way on 27 October.

Magnificent sight of 2 Mute Swans (ad + juv) over W at 17:00hrs on 22 October - a year to the day after first record! 2hrs vis mig (11-13:00hrs) produced virtually no movement in bright calm conditions.

Two hours vis mig on 21 October (9-11:00hrs) failed to produce incoming Whoopers, or any buntings, just 50 Redwing, 10 Song Thrush, 9 Sky Larks and a sprinkling of finches all SW, plus Great Spotted Woodpecker and Mistle Thrush down in the gardens. A single ensemble of c. 3800 Pinkfeet went over NE to roost in the evening.

At 00:10hrs on 21 October, in steady rain, a Dunlin was heard calling over to the north - a long expected addition and species 74.

Redwing passage continued on 19-20 October and single Bullfinch and Siskin were logged.

Another hour vis mig on 17 October produced more of the same. More unusual, a f/imm Blackcap appeared momentarily in the garden, snatching a rowan berry.

On 15 October an hour's vis mig watching produced the usual suspects: Redwing, Song Thrush, Sky Larks (5N!) plus a single Lesser Redpoll SW.

Finally! Song Thrush and Redwing back at 23:30hrs on 11 October.

Further small groups of Barnacle Geese flew over 22:35-22:45hrs on 10 October - moonlit at the time but generally damp and overcast.

Redshank calling yet again over at 01:35hrs on 10 October.

On 8 October Sky Larks were moving SW over, as was a Great Spotted Woodpecker. At 14:20hrs watched a Great Northern Diver flying high along the coast to the north of our house! Unfortunately we were out, in neighbouring Port Seton, but it would surely have been visible from home. In the evening another Redshank called flying over.

Golden Plover over at 05:15hrs on 2 October.

Both Pinkfeet and Barnacle Geese were heard over in early hours of 1 October, latter a small group NE at 01:00hrs followed by a bigger group SW at 02:35hrs. Tawny Owl very vocal now with "kewick" calls.

A fantastic Peregrine today, 30 September, spotted approaching well west at 13:50hrs and just cruised past directly overhead - 4th record. More mundanely, a Wood Pigeon was sitting on a nest in eucalyptus outside kitchen window!

A couple of Sandwich Tern (ad + juv) went over SW at 00:50hrs on 30 September.

Early on 29 September 150 Pinkfeet flew over SW and a group of Redshank were calling over at 21:25hrs (high tide 18:39hrs).

A Grey Squirrel in garden on 28 September was our first record.

A couple of Sandwich Tern (ad + juv) went over NE in the early hours of 25 September. A pair of Tawny Owls were calling.

The Hummingbird Hawkmoth was back on 24-25 September.

The twittering calls of Lesser Redpoll were heard twice on morning of 23 September, the first not seen but the second a bird high SW.

2 presumed Common Sympetrum over on 22 September were first dragonfly record.

In extremely mild conditions on 21 September migrant Golden Plover (12) and Barn Swallow (22) were seen SW over by day, and more of the former heard again at night.

Late evening of 16 September Sandwich Tern and Common Tern were heard again distantly, perhaps moving along the coast.

Whilst talking to our neighbour a Treecreeper flitted over my head and landed on the ornamental tree in our tiny front garden on 11 September - species 73.

A Chiffchaff was calling in back gardens on 10 September.

Nocturnal calls of Redshank, Curlew and Tawny Owl (hooting) were all heard again in week of 3 September.

An honorary bird, a Hummingbird Hawkmoth, appeared in the garden from the south, alighted on our honeysuckle, and within a couple of seconds whizzed off again north, at about 17:00hrs on 2 September - 1st record!

Common Terns were heard again on 3 occasions 22:30-00:00hrs on the calm and relatively clear evening of 1 September; the last of these was of two or more birds clearly moving south (not heard returning!).

A couple of Golden Plovers were heard again at 05:05hrs on the morning of 29 August (high tide at 05:27hrs). Another Curlew flew over a few minutes later. A distant call earlier in the night was probably another Common Tern.

Two Common Terns were heard again at 22:00hrs on the clear evening of 26 August, probably S.

Tawny Owl hooting 22:00hrs on 25 August and a single "tuhuhuhu" was heard over from a presumed migrant Curlew later at 01:30hrs.

Several Common Terns were heard over on calm overcast evening of 23 August (species 72); this included 2+ birds which could be tracked moving due S at 22:30hrs, one with a call descending deeper than the other (individual variation, or an adult and juv?). But 25 minutes later a couple of birds went north, perhaps they had lost their nerve in darkness inland, or it was just an exploratory flight?

Curlews were amongst waders heard moving at dusk on 22 August.

Several Golden Plover over again at 22:00hrs on evening of 21 August.

At 00:39hrs on 21 August (10 minutes before high tide) a single Sanderling was heard flying over south-west (species 71).

A couple of Sandwich Terns went over on afternoon of 20 August, unusually not at night, though weather pretty grey.

4 Redshank over SW around high tide (23:43hrs) on 19 August, with adult Tawny Owl hooting again.

Another Greenshank over SW at 23:20hrs on 18 August, 3rd record of this species.

On 17 August the mournful call of a Golden Plover was heard again after dark.

A Stock Dove over SW on 12 August (species 70).

More waders and juv Tawny Owl calling early hours of 12 August.

Redshank again just after midnight on 5 August, as the Hedgehog snuffled in the garden. 4 Silver Y moths on honeysuckle today.

More waders over on evening of 3 August included Redshank, Golden Plover and a higher-pitched call, probably a sandpiper. A Tawny Owl was hooting.

A Roe Deer running down the road at 09:15hrs on 3 August, a good few hundred metres from nearest suitable habitat on the golf course, was a mammal tick. A hedgehog is also resident in our garden.

A Greenshank was calling as it flew over SW at 22:35hrs on 2 August.

Silver Y moth in the garden/house 30-31 July.

The Grasshopper Warbler singing continuously whenever listened for up to 11 June.

In still conditions on evening of 3 June the Grasshopper Warbler could be heard reeling from scrub next to the coast road east of Longniddry c/p 2 (450m NW from our house, first heard there on 19 May, species 69) and Tawny Owl was heard hooting from the Clubhouse (c. 700m W). Regarding the former, it is interesting to note that BWP describes the carrying power of the reeling as "variable: up to 250 or 550 m (Witherby et al. 1938b; Hulten 1959), even c. 1 km in still conditions (Naumann 1897)".

Breeding developments in May included a pair of Wood Pigeon which laid two eggs and fledged at least one young from cypress hedge at bottom of garden (within 10m of house) and House Martins making a half-hearted attempt at building a nest under our eaves. A Grey Wagtail flew over uttering a rich chattering song on 21 May.

House Martins arrived back at their colony on 23 April. Pairs of both Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard were seen displaying overhead during the weekend.

A good series of records over Easter weekend, with first Swallow on 14 April, followed by 4 Sand Martins (species 67) through the next day; also Cormorant over, first Chiffchaff back in song and a Lesser Redpoll in song flight (species 68).

An adult Lesser Blackback with panel of pure white feathers on both upper-wings (all the greater primary coverts), also a single white secondary, overhead on 27 March. Quite a distinctive bird - thought at first it was wing-tagged!

On 5 March, a Long-tailed Tit on a fat ball in our garden was a first, as was a Grey Heron coming down to the small stream just east of our house. Unusually, a Song Thrush was also resident in the (tiny) garden over the weekend, taking seeds and pecking at a banana!

Flock of Pinkfeet over at 01:30hrs on 2 March - unusual on dark moonless nights.

A Curlew over on 11 February.


3 Mute Swans directly over W at dawn on 13 December were the second record.

A Cormorant over inland at dawn on 3 December was the second record following a couple heading to the coast at dusk one day last December.

Confined to the house with flu logged 100+ Wood Pigeons over NE on the traditional evening roost flight on 26 November. Bird number 66 was followed by an odd-looking individual which suddenly accelerated and made a lunge at it - a hungry Peregrine!

Pinkfeet over at 22:30hrs on 25 November - perhaps fleeing the cold weather?

Hundreds of birds moving over on morning of 29 October, including many Siskin, Chaffinch, Redwing and Wood Pigeon, some Skylark and Meadow Pipit. 4 Barnacle Geese tagged on the end of a line of Pinkfoot were new for the garden, species 66. Amongst nearly 1000 of the latter was a single leucistic bird, which had my heart beating faster briefly as a juv Snow Goose had been reported in East Lothian last week. 7 Sparrowhawk sightings during the day - perhaps a few recirculating but nearly all were E so possibly some migrants?

5 Mute Swans (1 juv) high over E at 11:15hrs on 22 October were species 65. An adult Great Blackback heading off inland was only the second record.

Tawny Owls vocal on evening of 16 October.

Sky full of Redwings in drizzly dawn of 13 October - 215+ over in less than 5 minutes.

5 Common Crossbill low SW at on 9 October were species 64.

Passerine passage continued on weekend of 1-2 October with Meadow Pipits and Skylarks both days, including 24 of the latter on the Sunday morning.

A few Pinkfoot over E in the moonlight early hours of 17 September were the first logged here, though they returned early this year to nearby Aberlady (8/9).

At 03:42hrs on 5 September the clear wolf-whistle call of a Grey Plover was heard over, apparently moving S, in fog. This is species 63, now equalling total for Kincardineshire garden - and reminiscent of the Golden Plover record from the latter on 3/10/88, also in fog.

3 September saw first Meadow Pipits over (8E) and a couple of Curlew. A Chiffchaff calling persistently nearby and later flying to trees over stream was species 62.

A Willow Warbler on 29 August was the first sign of passerine movement.

More Sandwich Terns were heard overhead in rain at 22:50hrs on 13 August, heading off S inland.

On the evening high tide on 30 July the unmistakable sounds of a feeding flock of Sandwich Terns were carrying over from the shore, along with Curlew. 30 of the former were found feeding at Ferny Ness (nearly 1km due N) a few minutes later - species 61.

4 Curlew low over on 29 July in rain/fog.

A Kestrel and a Grey Heron flew over on 17 July, the latter being species 60.

In the dawn chorus on 2 May heard a singing Willow Warbler, a singing Blackcap and a cock Pheasant calling distantly (latter pair being species 58 and 59).

A Skylark in song high over on 24 April was species 57. A couple of Swallows were back the same day and House Martins arrived back at their colony in the last week of the month with 9 on 27 April.

First young Blackbirds at large in the garden on 20 April.

25 Greylags N on 11 April were species 56 for the garden.

A Woodcock was spotted flying out of Gosford Estate and along Gosford Road on 26 March. Had we been at home we might have added this to our garden list!

On 24 March a hirundine over rapidly W was probably a Sand Martin.

Plenty of activity over 19-20 March with several Meadow Pipits over and first Bullfinches and Great Spotted Woodpecker for the garden - taking total number of species recorded to 55.

Bright sunny day on 6 March saw 8 Curlew, species 53, and 14 Lapwings going high N.

First Siskin on the nut feeder on 27 February, species 52.

Blue Tit numbers peaked in mid February with up to 14 together around our feeder.

A Tawny Owl on 19 February was new for the list, species 51.

Another, or the same, Peregrine over on 11 January.


A Peregrine was spotted by my daughter, aged 15 months, on Christmas Day - directly overhead as we came in through the front door for Christmas dinner. This took the new garden list to 50 species.

Waxwings were heard overhead on 15 November and 3 individuals glimpsed as they disappeared from view.

On 9 October a female Sparrowhawk caught and ate a Blackbird in our tiny back-garden.

During first few weeks in new House Martins have logged over 40 species with regular Grey Wagtail, Linnet, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard. A family of Willow Warblers passed through with a tit flock on 11 September.

Total numbers of birds can also be high at times, with a total of 7000 Pinkfoot over at dawn on 7 November and gull and corvid numbers often well into 3 figures.

Kincardineshire garden log

Hertfordshire garden log

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