Directed by Mark Wingett, The Four Amigos’ production of James McLure’s Lone Star toured Australia from October 2000 to February 2001, playing in Perth, Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Its prior showing had been at The Old Red Lion in Islington, London, in 1997, with Russell Boulter as director.
Set in a Texan bar on a hot summer’s night in 1979, Lone Star features the belligerent Vietnam veteran Roy (Russell Boulter), his dim-witted brother Ray (Huw Higginson), and Ray’s friend Cletis (Tom Butcher.) The play revolves around a series of revelations concerning Roy’s wife and beloved car, and after some emotional turbulance, brotherly love is seen to win out in the end.
Tom Butcher played Cletis, a sexually repressed Southern Baptist and nervy newlywed, who runs his father's appliance store.
A one-act play, the cast graciously returned to the stage after every
performance to field questions from the audience about the play, The Bill,
and the acting experience. It was a wonderful opportunity for Australian
fans to meet the cast ‘as themselves’ and ask a whole manner of questions.