
Paladin's are powerful warriors who devoted their entire life towards religious causes. With powerful divine magic, and indestructible armor, Paladin's are one of the most essential member of a party.

Paladin's powerful armor is what keeps them alive during battle. They lack in the offensive area, but make up for it in defense. They are veritable moving walls.


Hume Male

Hume Female

Elvaan Male

Elvaan Female

Tarutaru Male

Tarutaru Female



Artifact Armor Statistics

1H SWORD Damage 28; Delay240; VIT+2; MND+2
TIARA Defense24; HP+12; MND+3; Strength of Ability Shield Up; Hate +2
ARMOR Defense47; HP+20; VIT+4; Holy Magic Skill+5; Hate +2
GAUNTLET Defense16; HP+11; DEX+3; light magic resistance +10 Hate +2
LEGGINGS Defense14; HP+15; CHR+5; Blocking with Shield Skill+10; Strength of Holy Circle Up
BOOTS Defense34; HP+15; AGI+3; Strengthening Magic Skill+5; Hate+2