Red Mage

Red Mage's Are the Jacks-of-all-Trades, Masters of None. Red Mages are a mixed bag of tricks. Able to fight with Swords, Heal their Allies, and Cast Powerful Black Magic, Red Mages seem to never get boring.

Although they seem to just be half of all the other classes, Red mages also have their own line of Magic which only they can cast.


Hume Male

Hume Female

Elvaan Male

Elvaan Female

Tarutaru Male

Tarutaru Female



Artifact Armor Statistics

RAPIER Damage 22 Delay 224 MP+ 10 INT +1 MND+1 Lv41
PLUME HAT Def 23 MP+20 INT+3 Lv60 Enhancing Magic +10 Fast cast effectiveness raised
VEST Def 44 MP+14 CHR+5 Lv58 Cast Interruption -10% Enfeebling skill+15
GLOVES Def 16 MP +12 DEX +4 Dark resist +10 Lv54 parry skill +10
LEGGINGS DEf 33 MP+13 MND+3 Lv56 Healing Magic +10 Enhancing Magic +15
BOOTS DEF 13 MP +11 AGI +3 water resistance +10 Lv52 shield skill +10