Pheasant Hollow Farm is located in the Mid Ohio Valley in the District of Slate, City of Mineral Wells, Wood County, West Virginia.
It has been a life long dream to find a nice piece of property to start raising Ringneck Pheasants. In May of 2000, we started out with a mere 55 birds. We hope to have several hundred for the year 2001.
I am originally from Long Island, New York and I am an avid upland bird hunter. I have been hunting the radiant Chinese Ringneck Pheasant for over 30 years. The dogs that I have always used are German Shorthair Pointers. This breed, in my opinion, make a wonderful pet and an outstanding companion in the field.
Our objective here is to release these birds in hopes that they will propagate in the wild. This year we are working in conjuction with the USDA/NRCS in Wildlife Habitat Management. Our goals are to develop Nesting Cover, Brood-rearing Cover, Roosting and Escape Cover and Winter Cover, We will also be placing food plots in specified areas.
I know that this will not happen overnight, and this task will take years to accomplish. I guess this is what dreams are made of. Hard work and perserverance.
We will be offering on a limited basis Ringneck Pheasants to sportsmen, hunting clubs, farmers and the 4H-Clubs for their projects.
We will also be adding to our farm in the future, Northern Bob White Quail.
The baby chicks have arrived. One hundred and fifty. We have also added a new flight pen for the pheasants. We will be replacing the old pen to house more pheasants this year.
Do to space available, we will no longer have the News Up Date or the Photo album.
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