The classic router table. Yes, you've probably seen it before because the cabinet design came from the New Yankee Workshop . The top and fence are commercial products available from Bench Dog . The Bench Dog top is the RT400 and the fence is the AF400. I use a Porter Cable 7518 router which is excellent in this application. It's important to use the phenolic insert plates when using a heavy router like the PC 7518.
The size of the cabinet was modified from the original "Norm" plan to accommodate the top's dimensions and mounting requirements. Instead of a toe-kick, in the original plan, my cabinet sits on casters (two swivel, two fixed). The switch is a manual motor starter, DPDT, switch from General Electric. The part is CR101 available from GE supply. At $50 it is an expensive switch but worth it.
cabinet is 3/4" birch plywood from Home Depot and 3/4" solid birch
stock for the face frame and some structural members. And yes there is a
piece of clear acrylic for the door. One modification I made to the top
was to add a T-track towards the rear of the cabinet. This allows me to
mount Bench Dog's "Feather-Loc's" and "Bit Guard" when
I'm making raised panels. Of the shop projects I've built so far this
works the best. It's solid, all dust and chips are collected, very
accurate, simple to use, and has ample storage. I thought I would include
a picture of the back of the cabinet to show the dust collection system.
The Bench Dog fence has provisions for a typical shop vac. I use a piece
of 2 1/2" DC hose (with adapter) that feeds to the back of the
cabinet. The 4" DC adapter takes dust and chips from the fence and
the cabinet. Wiring for the cabinet is Carrol 90 C 14/3 SJ cord. I
also use a strain relief where the extension cord enters the cabinet. The
outlets on the back of the cabinet and inside are switched.