Building the Stuart No1 Steam Engine

On this page I plan to illustrate how I made a Stuart No 1 Steam engine in my workshop. Each of the links below will take you to a page explaining how that part was made. The order of the links here describes the order I made the parts. Obviously the links will only work as I complete the components myself so please check back for updates regularly.


Box Bed * Finished *
Sole Plate * Updated * * Finished *
Cylinder * Finished *
Top Cylinder end cover * Finished *
Lower Cylinder end cover * Finished *
Piston & Piston rod * Finished *
Engine Standard * Finished *
Steam Chest and Cover * Finished *
Assembly Check no 1 * Finished *
Valve and Valve Rod * Finished *
Crankshaft * Finished *
Connecting Rod * Finished *
Main Bearings * Finished *
Eccentric and Eccentric strap * Finished *
Cross head and cross head bolt * Finished *
Flywheel * Finished *
Cylinder Lagging
Column and Small Parts * New *
Problems Encountered during building and testing * New *
Conclusion * New *


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